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Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences Organized
Seminars/ Symposia/ Conferences Organized
- September 12-14, 1996 (Organised by Dhanbad Chapter: Venue-I.S.M.Dhanbad) National Workshop on "PROBLEMS OF MINING AND RELATED ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION DUE TO OPENCAST MINING IN SOUTH EASTERN PART OF JHARIA COALFIELD" (Conveners : Dr. S.G. Choudhary, Prof. K.L. Rai and Dr. P.R. Paul; Organising Secretary : Dr. Atul K. Verma).
- November 12-15, 1997 (Organised by Raipur Chapter: Venue-Pt. R.S. University, Raipur, C.G.) International Conference on "AURIFEROUS BANDED IRON FORMATIONS AND VOLCANICLASTICS" and National Seminar on "ORE GENESIS MODELLING" (Convener : Dr. M.W.Y. Khan, Pt. R.S. University, Raipur, C.G. ; Organising Secretary, Dr. D.P. Kuity).
- February 3-4, 1998 (Organised Jointly by Ranchi Chapter and Ranchi Productivity Council, Venue: National Institute of Coal Management, Ranchi) NATIONAL SEMINAR ON "MINING AND ENVIRONMENT" (Conveners : Shri R.K. Chaudhary, Organising Secretary : Dr. A.M. Tiwary).
- January 8-10, 1999 (Co-sponsored by SAAEG's Jabalpur Chapter : Venue- Jabalpur, M.P.) National Seminar on "GEOLOGY AND MINERAL WEALTH OF THE PRECAMBRIAN OF CENTRAL INDIA" organized by Dept. of Geology, Govt. Autonomous Science College, Jabalpur. (Convener: Prof. V.K. Khanna, Jabalpur; Organising Secretary: Dr. D.K. Deolia).
- December 3-4, 1999 (Organised by Kolkata Chapter: Venue - Grand Hotel, Kolkata) International Conference on "COALBED METHANE: PROSPECTS AND POTENTIALITIES" (Convener : Dr. N.D. Mitra, Ex-Senior DDG(GSI) Kolkata, Coordinator : Prof. K.L. Rai, Secretary General (SAAEG), Organising Secretary: Shri A.B. Dutt, DDG(GSI).
- January 24-25, 2000 (Organised by Jabalpur Chapter: Venue - Govt Automomous Science College, Jabalpur, M.P.) Short-term course on "GEOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION OF GEOPHYSICAL DATA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO GROUNDWATER EXPLORATION" (Conveners : Shri D.K. Trehan and Prof V.k.Khanna; Organising Secretary: Dr. D.K. Deolia).
- February 28 to March 01, 2001 (organised by Hyderabad Regional Chapter Jointly with Geology Deptt. of P.G. College of Science, Osmania University, Venue : Hyderabad, A.P.) National Seminar on "CHALLENGES IN GEOEXPLORATION IN THE MILLENNIUM-2000" (Convener : Prof. M.N. Reddy, Osmania University Hyderabad; Organizing Secretary: Dr. A. Narsingh Rao).
- March 23-24, 2001 (Organised by SAAEG’s HQ jointly with Dept. of Applied geology, Govt. Engg. College, Raipur C.G.) National Workshop ON “COMPUTER APPLICATION IN MINERAL EXPLORATION, MINING AND WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT” (Conveners: Prof K.L. Rai , Shri G.R. Sahu and Dr. Prabhat Diwan; Organising Secretary: Dr. Anand S. Gupta)
- March 26-27, 2001 (Organised by SAAEG's Patna Regional Chapter : Venue - Dept. of Geology, University Science College, Patna) National Seminar on "PRECAMBRIAN CRUSTAL EVOLUTION AND MINERALISATION IN INDIA-ITS ECONOMIC IMPACT AND FUTURE PROSPECTS (PCEM-2001)"(Conveners : Dr. S.P. Singh, Director, GSI, Patna ; Organizing Secretary : Shri Binod Kumar, GSI, Patna).
- February 9-12, 2002; Organised by SAAEG jointly with D.G.M., Chhattisgarh Govt., Geological Survey of India, Chhattisgarh Circle and Govt. Engg. College, Raipur, Venue - Sibbal Palace, Raipur, Chhattisgarh).garh). International Conference on "DIAMOND AND GEMSTONES" and GEMOLOGICAL TRADE FAIR" with Round Table Conference on "MINERAL LEGISLATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN MINERAL SECTOR". (Chairman : Shri S.K. Sarkar, GSI; Convener : Mr. Datta Mainkar, DGM, Organising Secretary: Dr. Prabhat Diwan (GEC), Coordinator - Prof. K.L. Rai)
- January 24,2003 (Organised by SAAEG’s Ranchi Regional Chapter, Venue: CCL Vichar Manch , Ranchi Jharkhand) SEMINAR ON “MINERAL POLICY OF JHARKHAND AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN THE MINERAL SECTOR”(Chairman: Shri R.K. Choudhary : Convener : Mr. S. Bhattacharya)
- March 28-29,2003 (Organized by SAAEG's Bhopal Regional Chapter, Venue: Dept. of Applied Geology, Barkatullah University,Bhopal) Workshop and Training Programme on "GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT" (chairman: Prof. K.K.Rao : Convener: Prof. K.L. Rai, Oraganising Secretary Dr. D.R. Tiwari ).
- April 27-28, 2003 (Organized by Ranchi Regional Chapter : Venue - Ranchi College Auditorium, Ranchi) Seminar on "POTENTIAL, DEVELOPMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES IN JHARKHAND STATE" (Chairman : Shri R.K. Chaudhuri, Principal Coordinator, Dr. A.M. Tiwary; Convenors : Shri B. Tirkey and Shri S.L.S. Jageshwar, Secretary : Dr. A. Thakur, Gosoner College, Ranchi).
- May 12, 2003 (Organised jointly by SAAEG' Ranchi chapter and Geology Dept., G.L.A. College, Daltonganj, Jharkhand : Sponsored by Nature Conservation Society, Daltanganj, Jharkhand) Regional Workshop on "MEASURES FOR ENRICHMENT OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES: FOCUS ON PALAMAU DISTRICT OF JHARKHAND" (Chairman : Shri C.B. Prasad, Convenor : Head, Geol. Dept., GNA College; Secretary : Shri P.K. Verma, GNA College, Daltonganj).
- December 15-18, 2003, (Organised by R.R.L. Bhopal, co-sponsored by SAAEG's, Bhopal Regional Chapter) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON "WATER AND ENVIRONMENT" (WE-2003) (Chairman : Prof. V.P. Singh, Louisiana State University, USA, Organising Secretary : Dr. R.N. Yadav, Deputy Director, RRL, Bhopal).
- June 22, 2004 (Organised by the Jabalpur Regional Chapter of SAAEG; Venue: Department of Geology, Govt. College of Science, Jabalpur, M.P.) Geologists' Meet / Special Programme jointly with "Second Prof. G. Subba Rao Memorial Lecture on "GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES OF CENTRAL INDIAN REGION" by Shri Seva Dass, D.D.G. (C.R.), G.S.I. Nagpur. (Conveners : Prof. V.K. Khanna, Jabalpur; Organising Secretary Dr. D.K. Deolia, Govt. College of Science, Jabalpur).
- February 11-12, 2005 (Organised by South Asian Association of Economic Geologists jointly with P.G. Dept. of Geology, Nagpur University and Co-sponsored by Geological Survey of India) National Workshop on "MINERAL DEPOSIT MODELLING". (Chairman : Shri Seva Dass, D.D.G. (C.R.), G.S.I.; Convener : Prof. K.L. Rai; Organising Secretary : Shri R.M. Umathay, Nagpur).
- February 26-27, 2005 (Organised by Motial Vigyan Mahavidyalaya, Bhopal and co-sponsored by the South Asian Association of Economic Geologists and M.P. Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal) National Conference on "WATERSHED MANAGEMENT" (Chairman : Dr. A.K. Jain, Principal; Convener : Dr. R.S. Raghuwanshi; Organising Secretary: Dr. V.L. Punwatkar).
- June 5, 2005( Organised by Bhopal Chapter of South Asian Association of Economic Geologists jointly with M.V.M. Bhopal, C.G.W.B. and IGNOU: Bhopal Chapter) Seminar on "ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION-CENTRAL INDIAN SCENARIO" (on the occasion of World Environment Day ) Conveners: Dr D.C Gupta and Dr. R.S. Raghuwanshi.
- February 27-28, 2006 (Organised by Bhopal Chapter of South Asian Association of Economic Geologists jointly with M.V.M., Bhopal). National Seminar on "GEMOLOGY" (Convener: Dr. R.S. Raghuwanshi and Co-Convenor: Dr. A.N. Singh)
- June 27, 2006 (Organised by SAAEG's Jabalpur Chapter) Workshop on "EARTHQUAKE AWARENESS AND DISASTER MANAGEMENT" (Conveners: Dr. D.K. Trehan, Prof. V.K. Khanna; Coordinator: Dr. A.N.Singh)
- December 9-10, 2006 (Organised jointly by SAAEG and M.P. Chapter of Indian Science Congress Association at Rajeev Gandhi College, Bhopal M.P.) National Symposium on "INTERLINKING OF RIVERS" (Convener: Prof. K.L. Rai)
- February 5-6, 2009 (Organised jointly by the Association of Economic Geologists and Dept. of Geology, Periyar University, Salem) National Seminar on "Earth Resources, Environment and Earth Sciences for Society" (Convenor : Dr. R. Venkatachalapathy)
- March 22, 2010 (Organised by SAAEG jointly with C.G.W.B. and Barkatullah University, Bhopal, M.P.) (on the occasion of the "World Water Day-2010") Workshop on "Water Quality in Changing World" (Convenor : Prof. D.C. Gupta and Shri Rakesh Singh)
- June 5, 2010 (Organised by SAAEG's Raipur Chapter jointly with State Data Centre, Water Resource Dept. of Chhattisgarh Government on the occasion of the World Environment Day-2010) Workshop on "GroundWater Recharge and Conservation of the Water Resources" (Chairman : Shri Datta Mainkar, Org. Secretaries Dr. N. Bodhankar and Dr. P. Diwan)
- October 8-10, 2010 (Organised jointly by Bundelkhand Univeristy Jhansi and SAAEG) National Symposium on Geology and Mineral Resources of Bundelkhand Craton (GMRB-2010)" (Convenor : Prof. S.P. Singh)
- March 17-18, 2012 (Organised jointly by Barkatullah Univeristy, Bhopal and SAAEG) National Symposium on " Sustainable development of India's Mineral Resources : Problems and Prospects " (Convenor : Prof. D.C. Gupta, Organising Secretary :Dr. R.N.Sahu)
- March 19, 2012 (Organised jointly by Barkatullah Univeristy, Bhopal and SAAEG) " Round-Table Conference of Geoscientists , Professionals and Entrepreneurs of Mineral Sectors " (Convenor : Prof. D.C. Gupta,Organising Secretary :Dr. R.N.Sahu )