Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Monday, February 10, 2025

Safety Monitoring Mechanism at different levels in CCL



Under the Constitution of India, safety, welfare, and health of workers employed in mines are the concern of the Central Government (Entry 55-Union List-Article 246). The objective is governed by the Mines Act, 1952 and the Rules and Regulations framed thereunder. These are administered by the Directorate-General of Mines Safety (DGMS), under the Union Ministry of Labour & Employment. Apart from administering the Mines Act and the subordinate legislation thereunder, DGMS also administers a few other allied legislation, including the Indian Electricity Act.



Apart from the above mentioned statutory monitoring by DGMS, there are several others for monitoring safety; these are as follows:




At Mine level Workman Inspectors : as per Mines Rule-1955
Pit Safety Committee: constituted as per Mines Rule-1955
At Area level Bipartite/Tripartite Committee Meeting
Safety Officer's Coordination Meeting
At Subsidiary HQ level Bipartite/Tripartite Committee Meeting
Area Safety Officer's Coordination Meeting
Inspections by ISO Officials
At CIL HQ Level
CIL Safety Board
Director (Tech.)'s Coordination Meeting
National Dust Prevention Committee Meeting
At Ministerial Level Standing Committee on Safety in Coal Mines
National Conference on Safety in Mines
Various Parliamentary Standing Committees



(Source: https://www.centralcoalfields.in/)