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Home National Consultation Workshop on State Action Plans on Climate Change
Last Updated:: 22/08/2013
National Consultation Workshop on State Action Plans on Climate Change

Presentations by States :
- Delhi
by Dr. Mrs. Parveen Dhamija
- Goa
by Levinson Martins and Dr. Mohan Girap
- Gujarat
by Climate Change Department, Govt of Gujarat
- Jammu & Kashmir

- Karnataka
by Kanwerpal, IFS and R. M. N. Sahai, IFS
- Madhya Pradesh
by Housing and Environment Department, Govt of MP | Framework for SAPCC 
- Orissa

- Puducherry

- Punjab

- Rajasthan
by Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board
- Sikkim
by Sikkim State Council of Science & Technology
- Tamilnadu

- Tripura
by Sriram Taranikanti, Department of Science, Technology & Environment
- West Bengal
by Department of Environment, WB
Presentations by Ministries/Missions :
- National Mission on Agriculture
by DAC and ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture
- National Mission on Enhanced Energy Efficiency
by S.P.Garnaik, Bureau of Energy Efficiency
- National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change
by Akhilesh Gupta, Department of Science & Technology
- National Mission for Sustaining the Himalayan Ecosystem
by Akhilesh Gupta, Department of Science & Technology
- National Water Mission
by Ministry of Water Resources
Presentations by other experts :
- Information and Knowledge Management for Climate Change
by Prof. A. Ramchandran, Centre for Climate Change and Adaptation Research, Anna University Chennai
- Towards evaluation of a Framework for Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan
by Prof. Amit Garg, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad
- Climate change impacts at the coast
by A.S. Unnikrishnan, National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
Presentations by UNDP :
- Towards a Common Framework for preparation of State Level Strategy and Action Plans on Climate Change
by Dr. Preeti Soni (UNDP)