Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Namdang Colliery on 26.11.1910


Namdang Colliery


Date of the Accident - 26.11.1910
Number of persons killed - 14
Owner - Assam Railways & Trading Co.
Place - Assam


The explosion occurred in the Bottom seam which was about 10m thick and inclined at 56°. The accident consisted of a series of four explosions which occurred over a period of 10 hours. Inquiry into the accident revealed that the first explosion, which had resulted from ignition of inflammable gas by the fire in the old workings of the mine, had damaged a fire-dam and caused burn injuries to a Sirdar. The Assistant Foreman sent a report of the occurrence to the Manager and returned to the vicinity of the damaged dam when the second explosion occurred (one hour after the first one) and he and 10 coolies were burnt. As these men were retreating, an hour afterwards a third explosion occurred but as these men were quite far off from the site, the explosion did not affect them. The Assistant Foreman recovered but 5 coolies died in the hospital as a result of the burn injuries. Later, the manager went belowground with two Assistant Foremen and several coolies to restore the ventilation when a fourth explosion occurred, burning one Assistant Foreman and 12 coolies. The Assistant Foreman and eight coolies later died in the hospital. Thus, in all, one Assistant Foreman and 13 coolies died in the accident.