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Home Reclamation of mining degraded land filled with fly-ash in Jharia Coal Field, India-A case Study
Last Updated:: 16/05/2014
Reclamation of mining degraded land filled with fly-ash in Jharia Coal Field, India-A case Study

Reclamation of mining degraded land filled with fly-ash in Jharia Coal Field, India-A case Study
Author name : Dr. Biswajit Paul*
Scientist CMRI, Dhanbad, Jharkhand, India, 826001
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Coal industry in India plays an indispensable role in the country’s economy contributing over half of commercial energy requirement and coal-based power generation contributing about 70% of the electricity generation. It is needless to mention that Coal is an essential input to 70% of the steel production. But this coal industry faces a major challenge in terms of environmental performance. This industry apart from devastating the landscape it also produces lot of dust, disturbs the ground water regime, creates huge dumps of over-burden waste, rejection dumps of coal beneficiation plants as well as gigantic ash dumps/ponds of captive thermal power plants.
This paper deals with a case study of a group of mines in the Jharia Coalfield, India, which has set a paradigm among the surrounding mines to take care of almost all the environmental issues. It further describes about how dust control measures are taken, the ground water is effectively utilized, tailings/rejects are utilized to produce power and the utilization of coal-ash after producing power in the fluidized bed technology thermal power plant. Moreover the paper describes a new method of utilization of coal ash and development of a plot where minimum watering is required. Large numbers of species including grasses, vegetables, food crops and forestry species were grown on the fly-as reclaimed land. The management of this group of coal-mines is committed towards sustainable development and has an active strategy for further improving their performance.
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