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Home Leaching characteristics of fly ash
Last Updated:: 23/05/2014
Leaching characteristics of fly ash
Environmental Geology (2004) 46:890–895
DOI 10.1007/s00254-004-1100-6
Leaching characteristics of fly ash
Aysenur Ugurlu
The disposal of fly ash as a byproduct of thermic power stations, results in significant environmental problems. The leaching of coal fly ash during disposal is of concern for possible contamination, especially for the aquatic environment when ash is in contact with water. The aim of this study was to investigate the leaching behaviour of fly ashes currently disposed in Kemerkoy Power Plant (Turkey) fly-ash-holding pond. The studies were conducted with fly ashes from the electrostatic precipitators (fresh fly ash) and from the fly ash pond (pre-leached fly ash). The fly ashes has alkaline in nature and pH ranges between 11.9 to 12.2. The pre-leached fly ash exhibited lower EC values (7,400 µS) than the fresh fly ash (10,300 µS). In contrast to Fe and Pb, the elements such as Cr, Cd, Cu and Co did not leach from the fly ash. The Ca and Mn concentrations decreased with increasing temperature whereas, Na and K concentrations increased. The results showed that the most important effects of fly ash leaching were pH, Na, Ca, K, Fe, Mg, Mn and Pb.
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