Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Khost Colliery on 16.6.1908


Khost Colliery, Nadir Khan Mine


Date of the Accident - 16.6.1908
Number of persons killed - 20
Owner - North Western Railway
Place - Baluchistan


This was the first mine explosion in India on record. The explosion occurred in a thin and steep seam (only 75 cm thick, dip 53°) which depended only on natural ventilation. The coal had high volatile matter (45%) and gas had occasionally been found in the workings. Un-bonneted Clanny flame safety lamps were in use throughout the mine. Inquiry into the accident revealed that the explosion was caused by an ignition of firedamp by a damaged flame safety lamp and was propagated throughout the mine by the agency of coal dust.