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| Last Updated:: 01/05/2024

Indian Minerals Yearbook 2022 (Vol - III : MINERAL REVIEWS)



Advance Release

( Please click on the link to view the concerned information)

1. Apatite and Rock Phosphate 26. Gypsum & Selenite*
2. Asbestos 27. Ilmenite and Rutile
3. Barytes* 28. Iron Ore
4. Bauxite 29. Kaolin, Ball Clay, Other Clays and Shale*
5. Bentonite* 30. Kyanite, Sillimanite & Andalusite
6. Boron Minerals 31. Laterite*
7. Calcite* 32. Limestone and Other Calcareous Materials
8. Cement 33. Magnesite
9. Chromite 34. Manganese Ore
10. Coal & Lignite 35. Marble*
11. Corundum and Sapphire* 36. Mica*
12. Cryolite 37. Ochre*
13. Diamond 38. Perlite
14. Diaspore* 39. Petroleum and Natural Gas
15. Diatomite 40. Potash
16. Dolomite* 41. Pyrophyllite*
17. Dunite & Pyroxenite* 42. Quartz & Other Silica Minerals*
18. Emerald 43. Rare Earths
19. Felspar* 44. Salt
20. Fireclay* 45. Slate, Sandstone & Other Dimension Stones*
21. Fluorite 46. Sulphur and Pyrites
22. Fuller’s Earth* 47. Talc, Soapstone and Steatite*
23. Garnet 48. Vermiculite
24. Granite* 49. Wollastonite
25. Graphite 50. Zircon
    51. Other Calcareous materials*

* Minor Minerals - 2022 (Introduction)


Remaing Reviews Under Preparation.....
