Along with establishment of the natural forests over the degraded mined out areas and OB dumps, BCCL has also developed eco-parks over some degraded mined out areas and OB dumps sites. Eco-parks are being developed with an aim to connect with the local communities residing nearby the mining areas of BCCL; transform the image of the company among the stakeholders, and provide a suitable place to the people for recreation and rejuvenation. BCCL has developed eco-parks namely Gokul Eco-cultural Park, Lodna Area; Green Hill Park, Katras Area; GKKC eco-restoration site, Kusunda Area; Biodiversity cum Eco mining tourism park, Muraidih, Barora Area; and Central Nursery, Koyla Nagar.
Gokul Eco-cultural Park, Lodna Area: An ecological park is being developed with socio-cultural aspects and to benefits the local people of the region. The park was started in 2014-15 over 10 ha of mined out land in NT-ST-Jeenagora Project of Lodna Area. The aim is to develop and dedicate the park to local community of the region. A complex of temples of Goddess Kali and other gods have been constructed on the topmost point of the site to respect the sentiments and religious feelings of the local communities and connect them with the ecological work being done. A complete temple premises has been developed along with Yagya-shala and flower gardens with the plantation of the religious trees around the complex. The other feature of the site are the development of the fruit orchard, bamboo satum, native species trees, lily pond, rockery, flower garden, picnic spot and park for the locals to recreate, rejuvenate and relax. This park now serve as a centre for various religious and social ceremonies for local people.
Green Hill Park, Katras Area: Another park has been established in AKWMC, Katras Area with an aim to benefit the local communities and provide a place for recreation and rejuvenation for the people of nearby areas and adjoining Katras town. The park has been established with the water body for pisciculture. Various components like Eco-hut, Children’s play area with swing and ides. Walking pathways, benches, flower garden, hedges green tunnel etc have also been established. It has also been observed and reported that this eco-park has also been used for practicing yoga and meditation by the local people apart from recreation and rejuvenation.
GKKC eco-restoration site, Kusunda: This eco-park was initially developed as an ecological restoration site but now it has been transformed into an eco-park for recreation and rejuvenation by local community. The site has been developed with thick natural plantation of different native species of the region. This place is developed with the site nursery, machan, eco-huts, walking trails and benches.
Central Nursery, Koyla Nagar: An eco-park has also been developed in the central nursery of BCCL at Koyla Nagar to benefit the people of the Koyla Nagar and adjoining areas. This eco-park has various flower gardens, cactus garden eco-hut etc. This place is being developed with an aim to develop a centre for meditation and yoga for the urban population residing in nearby areas. This eco-park will be powered by solar energy and all electrical requirements will be met by solar energy. For this solar panels of 6 KW capacity will be installed shortly.
Biodiversity cum Eco Mining Tourism Park, Muraidih: BCCL has reclaimed a large patch of degraded mined out land at Muraidih after the extraction of coal from the area. It is planned to amalgamate and develop the existing afforestation and ecological restoration site into a single large Biodiversity Cum Eco Mining Tourism Park which will have different various components of the biodiversity and eco-mining tourism. Few of the identified components are Cultural restoration zone, Forest landscapes, river restoration zone, wildlife restoration zone, Biodiversity, wetland restoration zone, bird’s habitat restoration zone. The Bio-diversity Park consists of the following different Restoration zones, out of which some are being developed and some are proposed to be developed. Various activities that can be promoted in this Biodiversity cum Eco-Mining Tourism Park are Eco-tourism, Jungle walks, trekking on restoration dumps, bird watching, fishing, boating, gaming, photography, gardening, picnicking, educational awareness, yoga and meditation etc.
The development of this park will benefit the environment and the local communities in various ways like restoration and environment up gradation, nature conservation, livelihood generation to nearby community, imparting nature education and awareness in environment, entertainment, tourism, organizing cultural events etc.