Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Dishergarh Colliery on 7.2.1910


Dishergarh Colliery


Date of the Accident - 7.2.1910
Number of persons killed - 11
Owner - Equitable Coal Co. Ltd.
Place - Raniganj Coalfield


Till this explosion it was generally believed that the coal mines of Bengal were immune from explosions of firedamp. Two seams namely, Sanctoria and Hatnol were being worked in this mine. Gas had been found from time to time in both the seams. Sanctoria seam was being worked with naked lights but safety lamps were exclusively used in the Hatnol seam. The explosion occurred in Hatnol seam. It was difficult to say with certainty what actually caused the explosion. The most probable cause appeared to be ignition of an accumulation of methane by the naked light carried by a miner.


The Inquiry Officer observed that although the flame safety lamp was a perfect instrument as a safeguard against explosion of firedamp, it must be appreciated that its maintenance in perfect order was essential for safety. An Indian miner might not understand that the breaking of a lamp-glass or the propping open of a ventilation door or sheet may have the most serious consequences. It is therefore all the more necessary to exercise strict vigilance in Indian mines.