Coal & Lignite 2013-14
1. Coal Resources of India

2. Geological Resources of Coal

3. Type and Category-wise coal resources of India as on 1.4.2014

4. State wise distribution of Lignite Reserve

5. Lignite Production and Power Generation

6. Production of Coal in India

7. State wise distribution of coal resource

8. Sector–wise total Coal demand/actual supply during 2008-09 to 2012-13 (Actual), 2013-14 (BE&RE) and 2014-15 (BE)

9. Coal supply and demand

10. Company-wise Accident Statistics of CIL for the year 2013

11. Import of Coal from 2005-06 to 2012-13

12. Company wise position of manpower

(Source: Ministry of Coal: Annual Report 2013-14)