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Home Books Released on World Environment Day '13
Last Updated:: 03/07/2013
Books Released on World Environment Day '13
Hon'ble Minister of State I/C (E&F) releases three books on World Environment Day.
(New Delhi, June 5, 2013): The Hon'ble Minister of State I/C (Environment and Forests), Smt. Jayanthi Natarajan, released today on the occasion of the World Environment Day one book on Coastal Zones of India and two atlases, namely, National Wetlands Atlas: High Altitude Lakes of India and National Wetlands Atlas: Wetlands of International Importance under Ramsar Convention.

Book: High Altitude Lakes of India (8.66 MB) **CLICK HERE
Book: Wetlands of International Importance under Ramsar Convention (16.34 MB) **CLICK HERE
Brochure: High Altitude Wetlands (1.49 MB) **CLICK HERE