Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2024

8 mines around the world that have doubled up as tourist spots


Date | Feb 23, 2017:

India has recently joined the list of countries that boast of mine tourism. There are several mines in the world that have for long been popular tourist attractions. Here's a glimpse at them.


(Image Source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/)

Wieliczka Salt Mine, Poland:   This salt mine is one of the oldest enterprises in the world that began production back in the 13th century and had been in operation until recently. Besides being a top tourist attraction in Poland, the mine also featured in UNESCO's first list of world heritage sites. Also known as 'Poland's Underground Salt Cathedral', the mine offers a tour through 22 chambers, including chapels, statues and chandeliers carved out of rock salt by miners over centuries.


(Image Source: http://miningmayhem.com.au/)

Kalgoorlie Superpit, Australia:   This is Australia's second largest open cut gold mine located off the Goldfields Highway. Oblong in shape, the pit is around 3.5km in breadth and 570 m deep. The mine is still in operation and produces around 28 tonnes of gold each year.


(Image Source: http://static2.businessinsider.com/)

Salina Turda, Romania:   This salt mine marked a maiden experiment of turning a disused mine into a tourist spot in 1992. Tourists have to descend 120 metres underground in the heart of Translyvania, to reach the mine. At the bottom is a theme park with a miniature golf course, Ferris wheel, bowling alley and a boating lake. It also houses a spa and wellness centre owing to the availability of naturally occurring salts and high humidity.


(Image Source: http://www.summitpost.org/)

Khewra Salt Mine, Pakistan:   This mine is the second largest salt mine in the world the discovery of which dates back to the 4th century. This is also the only source of pinkish 'Himalayan salt', a fetish among food enthusiasts. With several constructions made out of colourfully illuminated salt bricks, the mine has emerged as a major tourist attraction in the country.


(Image Source: http://thechronicleherald.ca/)

Springhill Miners' Museum, Canada:   This famous coal mine located in Springhill remained active until 1958, before it was hit by a blast and an earthquake. The museum displays unique artifacts from history and industrial heritage.


(Image Source: http://www.waspsparanormal.co.uk/)

Dolaucothi Gold Mines, Wales:   The Dolaucothi Gold Mines provide a unique insight into the 2000 year-old Roman gold mining methods. The guided tours in this tourist site will take you through mineyards dating back to 1930s. From eating, shopping to a chance to strike gold, this place will give you the most exciting mine trip ever.


(Image Source: https://media-cdn.tripadvisor.com/)

Falun Mine, Sweden:   For years, this copper mine had been the largest of its kind in Europe, producing nearly 70 percent of the copper needed in the continent. This UNESCO world heritage site has now been turned into a museum open to public. Besides the Mine Museum and historical building open for view, there is also a Little Mine Train that takes you on a tour around the Great Pit.


(Image Source: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/)

Western Coalfields Limited, India:   To raise awareness about the importance of coal mining, which forms backbone for most industries, Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation and Western Coalfields Limited have entered into a unique agreement. Tourists will now be allowed to visit the depth of a WCL coal mine in Saoner, tour an eco-park and visit the open cast mine in Gondegaon.
In a first of its kind initiative in the country, the tourists will be taken inside Saoner Underground Mine No. 1 up to 1.5km from its entrance. It is located about 37km from the city. A unique man riding system will take the tourists inside and WCL guide will facilitate this trip, taking them about 100m down from the ground surface. TOI got special permission for photography inside the mines. "The idea is to educate people on how coal mining is done," said DM Gokhale, AGM of WCL Nagpur.



(Source: http://indiatoday.intoday.in/  and  http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com// )