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Welcome to IIT(ISM) EIACP (PC-RP)
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad
IIT(ISM) EIACP (PC-RP) Centre (erstwhile ENVIS Centre), was established in the year 1991 by the Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change, Government of India at Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, IIT (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad. MoC was signed between the PRESIDENT OF INDIA acting through the Secretary in the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, GOI, acting further through the Economic Division of the Ministry (MoEF&CC) and the Programme Centre at Dept. of ESE, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad under EIACP Programme on October 11, 2022 and hence the ENVIS (Environmental Information System) has been renamed as EIACP (Environmental Information, Awareness, Capacity Building and Livelihood Programme).
The subject area of the centre is "Environmental problems of Mining". The centre works toward the collection, storage, retrieval and dissemination of information in the area of mining environment. The EIACP Centre is accessible online since 2001 with a distinctive website “” which was launched by Shri P.V. Jaykrishnan (IAS), Secretary to Government of India, MoEF. All the web pages of “” are now available on the website
The website has links to different organizations viz., different ENVIS Centres, Coal & non-coal Organizations, Central Govt.(Ministries) & Apex/Independent offices, Mineral rich States, Scientific Institutions, Universities, Organizations related to Environment and Mining. Quick links has also been provided to MoEF, IBM, DGMS, CPCB, Ministry of Coal, Ministry of Mines, Coal India Ltd., CMPDI, ISM, ICMM, SME, UNEP, WWF, etc. Centre has provided variety of information in the website viz., query form, feedback form, list of publications, database, experts, workshop report, Best Practices Management manuals, environmental clearance related to mining, important Institutes, legislation, lectures, research papers, current events, current news, do you know section, equipment, photo gallery etc.
The Centre has also developed Bibliographic Database in which the research articles are kept as soft copy for quick search and dissemination. Dissemination of information is done electronically as well as by hard and soft copies. Bibliographic Database has information in the field of mine fires, water pollution, land subsidence, noise & vibration, ergonomics, mine soil amendments, land use, policy & planning, bio processing of fuel, hydrogeology, acid mine drainage, waste water treatment, air pollution, land reclamation, environmental management, socio-economic environment, solid waste management, impact assessment, mine spoil amendment, health & toxicology, mine closure and flash utilization. Besides bibliographic database, the Centre has also developed various other databases viz., national & international experts related to mining environment, non-coal statistics, coal & lignite statistics, about Jharkhand, research papers published by ESE, Projects done by M.Tech Students of ESE, source of information etc. The Centre has also collected many Reports, Research articles, Proceedings and Newsletters from various sources. All these hard documents are kept in the ENVIS library for ready references.
The Centre publishes quarterly Newsletters, monthly e-Newsletters and Monographs on regular basis. The Centre has repository of research articles of ESE Faculty/ Ph.D. research scholars and research abstracts of M.Tech. Students on the assigned subject area and has developed a Digital Library. Centre has also developed three e-Proceedings.
Being situated in the City of Dhanbad, also known as the Coal Capital of India, gives the centre an upper hand in working on its thematic area on Environmental Problems on Mining. The Website for the Centre was launched in the year 2001 and since then various data pertaining to the Centres subject area are stored online and are digitally accessible for general public. The Center publishes monthly e-newsletters & quarterly newsletters in the name of MINEIACP (erstwhile MINENVIS), monographs, poster, report etc. and organizes various awareness programmes, sensitization activities and celebrates Important Days like World Environment Day, Ozone Day, Earth Day etc. by organizing various events and competitions. The Centre also conducts training programmes under the Green Skill Development Programme Scheme and has been imparting training on Pollution Monitors: Air & water and Waste Management, since 2018. Under the new revamped scheme the Centre has been actively taking part in conducting mass awareness campaign under Mission LiFE: Lifestyle for Environment Program. The Centre also provides training and short-term exposure to selected candidates by engage students with Graduation/Post Graduation Degrees as well as Research Scholars enrolled in recognized University/Institution within India or abroad, as "Interns" under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has an Internship Scheme.
Guidelines Governing EIACP Scheme 
Guidelines Governing ENVIS Scheme 
A unique centre of its kind, Centre for Mining Environment (CME) was established in 1987 at the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and was declared as the Centre of Excellence in the field of “Mine Environment” under the sponsorship of Ministry of Environment and Forest (MoEF), Government of India, with the following objectives:
- To impart training to in-service field personnel Environmental Science and Technology with particular referenceto Environmental Management in Mining Areas.
- To carry out Research in the field of Mining Environment.
- Initiation of Regular Academic Programs in Environmental Science and Engineering
- To Undertake Consultancy and Testing work to help Mining and Mineral Industries in the neighboring areas in solving environmental pollution problems
- The Centre has organized more than 112 training programmes with the training of about 1250 in-service personnel and other stakeholders and offers regular training of 1-2-3--4-6-13 weeks duration as per the requirements of the industry.
- The Centre has completed 73 Research & Development and 151 consultancy projects by establishing linkages with various national and international organizations in the areas of Air and Water Pollution Control, Wastewater Management, Acid Mine Drainage, Mine Fire, Mine Planning, Reclamation of Mining Degraded Lands, Tailings Management, Solid Waste Management, Noise Abatement, Green Belt Development, Environmental Management, EIA etc.
- The Centre has successfully completed three mega projects for building Environmental Management Capacity of Coal as well as Non-coal Sectors under World Bank aided projects of Coal India Ltd. and Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, respectively.
- The Centre has completed number of Demonstration Projects such as :
• Water Sustainability through Augmentation of Pumped Out Mine Water from Underground Coal Mines in
• Re-vegetation of Ash Pond and Washery Reject Site at Tata Steel, Jamadoba
• Development of Eco-Park at Mine Goaf Area Site at Tata Steel, Jamadoba
• Eco-Restoration of Mine Dump
• Rain Water Harvesting at ISMU Campus
- The Centre has developed various Standards/Guidelines of Mine Subsidence, EMPs of Mining Projects, and Environmental Standards for Mining Areas and Use of Dust Suppression Chemicals for Mining Areas.
- The Centre has established DATA BANKS / DATA BASE(S) on
• Environmental Quality of Jharia, Raniganj & Other Mining Areas
• Herbarium of Native Species / Memorial Garden
• Physical & Chemical Characteristics (Including Leaching Aspects) of Coal Combustion Residues of
Thermal Power Stations
• Various Aspects of Coal & Non - Coal Mining Sectors
• National & International Experts
• Inventory of Mineral Rich States
- The Centre has published number of Manuals, Books and Compilations such as Mining Environment Management Manual, Subsidence Management Hand Book, Hand Book of Methods in Environmental Studies, Reinventing Jharia Coalfield, and Environmental Management in Mining Areas etc.
- The Centre also has an Environmental Information System on Mining (MINENVIS) with a distinctive web-site: and maintains a database management system and query response system to cater to the requirements of various users/ stakeholders of the mineral industry and regularly publishes Newsletters and Monographs.
With the Mines Bill becoming a law vide Indian Mines Act – VIII of 1901 the necessity for establishing a government college of Mining Engineering at some suitable place in India on the pattern of the Royal School of Mines was felt by the then Indian Government. The Indian National Congress, the leading political party that was perhaps the sole spokesman of the masses of those days was quick to endorse this view of the government through its resolution taken at the 17th. Session held at Calcutta in December 1901. A committee consisting of mining experts under the Chairmanship of Macpherson, the Chief Secretary, Government of Bihar and Orissa were formed to study the system of mining education in England. The report of this committee was the main basis for establishment of Indian School of Mines at Dhanbad. The Government of India in 1920 decided that the proposed institution should be an All India Institution financed by the Central Government and be named Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad. The Indian School of Mines was formally opened by his Excellency the Vice Roy Lord Erwin on 9th. December, 1926.
Up to 1967 it was a pure government institute where the faculties were recruited through the UPSC Selection Board. ISM had an All India Character and national outlook from the very day of its inception.
The all round achievement by the graduates of Indian School of Mines in nation building was duly recognized and the School was granted university status under the UGC Act in 1967. From 1996-97 the School came directly under the Ministry of HRD, Government of India with pay scales and perks to its employees at par with that of IITs/IIMs.
Situated in the heart of the country’s prime coking coal belt, 260 kms from Kolkata with a campus spread over 88 hectares the fully residential ISM has all the facilities of world class academic institute. What started as an institution to impart mining education has graduated into a full-fledged technical institution of international acclaim offering a host of programmes like B. Tech., M. Tech., M. Sc. Tech., and MBA. In addition the School offers M. Phil. and full as well as part time Ph. D. programmes, while also awarding D.Sc. as the highest degree of academic achievement.
The serene campus comprises academic buildings, student hostels and 100% residential facilities for faculty and staff apart from other infrastructure facilities for a cosmopolitan community. The School has links with reputed universities and institutes across the globe and has an alumni base all over the world. The School today is making foray into the newer areas of academic endeavors in tune with the changing times.