Dr. Avinash Chandra
Professor (Retd.)
Centre for Energy Studies, IIT Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi - 110016
Mob: +91-9891820655
Email: chandra@ces.iitd.ernet.in
achandra45@hotmail.com |
Prof. Ashok Kumar Singh
Ex-Rajiv Gandhi Chair Professor (Retd.)
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
ISM, Dhanbad
Specialization: Land reclamation, OB dump stabilisation
Mob : +91-8130733447
Email: singhashok0707@gmail.com |
Prof. Asim Kumar Pal
Ex-Professor (Retd.)
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
ISM, Dhanbad
Specialization: Air and Noise pollution, Ergonomics
Mob : +91-9939160256
Email: palasim2003@yahoo.co.in |
Dr. Anshumali
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
ISM, Dhanbad
Specialization: Environmental Ecology, Microbiology, Biogeochemistry
Mob : +91-9934556176
Email: anshmali@yahoo.com
anshumali@rediffmail.com |
Dr. Alok Sinha
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science and Engineering,
ISM, Dhanbad
Specialization: In-Situ Remediation of groundwater by ZVI Technology
Mob : +91-9471518560
Email: aloksinha11@yahoo.com |
Dr. Anil Kumar Dikshit
Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076
Research Interes: Water Supply; and Water & Wastewater Treatment
Mob : +91-22-25767851/52
Email: dikshit@iitb.ac.in |
Dr. A.G. Devi Prasad
Associate Professor and Chairman
DOS in Environmental Science,
University of Mysore
Phone : +91-821-2419627
Dr. Ammini Joseph
School of Environmental Studies,
Cochin University of Science and Technalogy
Mobile : +91-9446211382
Email: amij@cusat.ac.in |
Dr. Anand M
Assistant Professor
School of Environmental Studies,
Cochin University of Science and Technalogy
Mobile : +91-9447254921
Email: anandmrajmandir@gmail.com |
Dr. Arun K. Attri
School of Environmental Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Specialization: Climate change (Global warming, Ozone Column variability)
Mobile : 26704309
Email: attri@mail.jnu.ac.in
attriak@gmail.com |
Dr. A.L. Ramanathan
School of Environmental Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Specialization: Environmental Geology
Phone : 26704314
Email: alr0400@mail.jnu.ac.in |
Dr. A. P. Dimri
School of Environmental Studies,
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi
Specialization: Regional Climate Modeling
Phone : 011- 26704319
Email: apdimri@mail.jnu.ac.in |
Dr. Anisa Basheer Khan
Department of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,
School of Life Sciences, Pondicherry University,
Puducherry-605 014
Phone : 0413-2654568
Email: puslsdean@gmail.com |
Dr. A. K. Mishra
Dept. of Mining Engg.,
Indian School of Mines,
Phone : (0326) 2206396 (O)
Fax : 202380
Email: arvmishra@yahoo.com |
Dr. Amit Kumar Verma
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Mining Engg.,
Indian School of Mines,
Phone : +91-326-2235462
Mobile : +91 7781012407
Email: neurogeneticamit@gmail.com |
Dr. Asha Rajvanshi
EIA Cell
Wildlife Institute Of India,
Dr. Arijit Dey
Central Ground Water Authority,
Ministry of Water Resources,
A-2,W-3, Curzon Road Barracks,
New Delhi-110001
Shri Ashutosh Roul
Asst. Manager (Mining)
Environment Department, Panchpatmali Bauxite Mines,
Mines & Refinery Complex,
National Alluminium Co. Ltd. (NALCO),
Dist.: Koraput, Damanjodi-763008( Orissa)
Phone : 06853-254514/ 258015(O), 06853-253985 (R)
Fax : 06852-258002/258003(O)
Mobile : +91-9437165200
Email: aroul6374@yahoo.com
rahul6374@hotmail.com |
Dr. A.K. Raina
Senior Principal Scientist
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
Nagpur Regional Centre (Mining Technology Group)
17/C Telenkhedi Area, Civil Lines,
Nagpur - 440 001 (Maharashtra)
Phone : +91-0712-2510390, 2512190
Fax : +91-0712-2510390
Dr.(Mrs.) Asha Juwarkar
Chief Scientist & Head
Environmental Biotechnology Division,
NEERI, Nehru Marg,
Nagpur - 440020 (Maharashtra)
Phone : 0712-2249764
Fax : +91-712-2249900
Email : aajuwarkar@rediffmail.com |
Dr. A. K. Gupta
Dept. of Civil Engineering,
IIT, Kharagpur,
Phone : +91 - 3222 - 283428
Fax : +91-712-2249900
Email : agupta @ civil.iitkgp.ernet.in |
Dr. A K Dubey
Addl. Secretary
Ministry of Coal,
Govt. of India
Phone : 23386710
Email : as.moc@nic.in |
Dr. A.P. Singh
National Law University,
N.H. 65, Nagour Road
Jodhpur - 342001 (Rajasthan)
Phone : 0291-2574606
Mobile : 09413660878
Fax : +91-291-2577540
Email : amarpal_singh@rediffmail.com |
Dr.(Mrs.) A. Yadav
Bajrang Bhawan,
Ring Road, Namnakala
Surguia – 497001, Chhattisgarh
Phone : 07774-236438
Mobile : 09826409078
Fax : +91-7774-236438
Abhay Kumar Soni
Chief Scientist
CSIR-Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
Nagpur Regional Centre (Mining Technology Group)
17/C Telenkhedi Area, Civil Lines,
Nagpur - 440 001 (Maharashtra)
Phone : (0712) 2510604, 2970435 (R)
Mobile : +91 940 320 9934
Fax : +91-712- 2510604
Mail : abhayksoni@gmail.com |
Dr. A. Jamal
Department Mining of Engg.,
Indian Institute of Technology,
Banaras Hindu University,
Varanasi - 221 005
Phone : 0542-2369442/ 6702409/ 6701306
Mobile : 09450013951
Mail : head.min@itbhu.ac.in
aarif.jamal@yahoo.com |
Mr. A.K. Ghose
Principal Advisor
Quality Council of India,
National Accreditation Board for Education & Training ,
6th Floor, ITPI Building,
4-A, Ring Road, I.P.Estate,
New Delhi - 110002
Phone : (011)23323416-20
Fax : (011)23323415
Mail : akg@qcin.org |
Prof. A.K.A Rathi
Former Professor
A8-201, La Habitat,
100ft. Hebatpur Road, Thaltej,
Ahmedabad - 380059
Mail : drakarathi@gmail.com |
Dr. Atul Kumar Agarwal
Ofc: Central Building Research Institute (CSIR) ,
Roorkee - 247667 (Uttarakhand)
Phone : 01332-273642/ 283495
Mail : atulcbri@rediffmail.com |
Dr. Abhas Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering ,
IIT Kanpur
Specialization: Environmental geochemistry of heavy metals and inorganic contaminants
Phone : (91-512) 259 7665
Mail : abhas@iitk.ac.in |
Dr. Anubha Goel
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering ,
IIT Kanpur
Specialization: Environmental modeling, Solid Waste Management
Phone : (91-512) 259 7027
Mail : anubha@iitk.ac.in |
Dr. A.K. Gosain
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Delhi
Research Interest: Integrated Watershed Modelling, GIS, Hydrological Modelling, Irrigation Management, Climate Change, Environmental Impact Assessment.
Email : gosain@civil.iitd.ac.in |
Dr. A.K. Keshari
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Delhi
Research Interest: Hydrological and Environmental Modelling, Sustainable Development, Remote Sensing and GIS, FEM, Waste Management and Sewerage System.
Email : akeshari@civil.iitd.ac.in |
Dr. A.K. Mittal
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Delhi
Research Interest: Emerging Contaminants, Environmental Microbiology, Wastewater Treatment, Environmental Management in Construction Projects.
Email : akmittal@civil.iitd.ac.in |
Dr. A.K. Nema
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Delhi
Research Interest: Environmental Engineering, Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation of Environmental Systems, Integrated Waste Management, Environmental Impact Assessment.
Email : aknema@civil.iitd.ac.in |
Dr. Ajay Kalamdhad
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering,
IIT Guwahati
Research Interest: Solid waste management, Mechanical composting and vermicomposting.
Phone: 0361-258 2431
Email : kajay@iitg.ernet.in |
Dr. Atul Narayan Vaidya
Sr.Principal Scientist
Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Division,
NEERI, Nagpur
Email : an_vaidyams@neeri.res.in |
Dr. Abha Chhabra
Space Applications Centre,
Indian Space Research Organisation,
Ahmedabad- 380015, Gujarat India
Email : abha@sac.isro.gov.in |
Dr. A.G.Matani
Associate Professor
Mechanical Engg. Department,
Goverment College of Engg. Amravati,
Off.: Kathora Naka, VMV P.O., Amravati-444604(M.S.)
Resi.: 3rd Lane, Dastur Nagar, Amravati-444606(M.S.)
Email : matani.ashok@gcoea.ac.in, ashokgm333@rediffmail.com |
Abidhan Bardhan
Tech. Assistant
National Institute of Technology,
Patna, Ashok Rajpath, Patna
Bihar- 800005
Email : abhidhan@nitp.ac.in |
Amerendra Kumar
Sr. Manager
Adani Enterprise Ltd.,
C.R. Heights, Near Mahabir Traders
Khaibia Road, Ambikapur,
Dist.- Sarhuja, PIN-497001(C.G.)
Email : amrendra.kumar@adani.com |
Abdur Rahman Quaff
Assistant Professor
NIT Patna
Email : arquaff@nitp.ac.in |
Aditya Kumar Patra
Associate Professor
Dept. of Mining Engineering
IIT Kharagpur
Email : akpatra@mining.iitkgp.ernet.in
Ph : +91-3222-283726 |
Prof. A. D. Munshi
Principal Scientist
ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi
Specialisation: Vegetable Breeding (Cucumber)
Ph : 011-25846628, 25849075, 25847148
Email : admunshi@iari.res.in
Ph : +91-3222-283726 |
Prof. Anupam Dikshit
Botany Department
University of Allahabad
Uttar Pradesh - 211002
Mobile : +91-9335108519
Email : anupambplau@rediffmail.com