Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, February 18, 2025

NTPC recruitment 2018: Hiring begins for diploma trainees


Date | April 19, 2018:


NTPC recruitment 2018: National Thermal Power Corporation has released notification inviting diploma trainees to apply for various posts. The last date of submitting online application is May 9.


The commission has invited applicants from Patna, Lucknow, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Raipur to apply for various vacancies in the corporation. The candidates with desired educational qualification are advised to apply through the official website of NTPC, ntpccareers.net.


NTPC recruitment 2018: Zone wise vacancies

  • NTPC Patna
    1. Mechanical: 29
    2. Electrical: 23
    3. C&I: 16
    4. Mining: 15
  • NTPC Hyderabad
    1. Mechanical: 11
    2. Electrical: 7
    3. C&I: 7
  • NTPC Chhattisgarh
    1. Mechanical: 46
    2. Electrical: 36
    3. C&I: 22
    4. Mining: 20
  • NTPC Mumbai
    1. Mechanical: 23
    2. Electrical: 16
    3. C&I: 11
  • NTPC Lucknow
    1. Mechanical: 36
    2. Electrical: 23
    3. C&I: 21


Eligibility criteria:

  1. Educational Qualification:
    • Electrical: Full time regular diploma in Electrical or Electrical and Electronics Engineering with 70 per cent marks.
    • Mechanical: Full time regular Diploma in Mechanical / Production Engineering with minimum 70 per cent marks.
    • C&I: Full time regular Diploma in Instrumentation/Electronics Engineering with minimum 70 per cent marks.
    • Mining: Full time regular Diploma in Mining / Mining & Mine Surveying Engineering with minimum 70 per cent marks
    • Relaxation for SC/ST/PwBD: Pass marks
    • Relaxation for land oustees: 50 per cent marks.
  2. Age limit:
    • The upper age limit of the candidates should not cross 25 years as on the last date of application.
    • For land oustess, the upper age limit of the candidates should not cross 35 years.


Selection process:

The candidates have to go through two stages of online test.

  1. First stage of online test:In first stage, Online Aptitude Test (120 multiple questions) covering
    • General English, Quantitative aptitude & Reasoning will be conducted. The duration of the test will be 2 hours.
    • Each question carries 1 mark and 0.25 marks will be deducted for wrong answer.
    • There is qualifying marks (40 per cent marks in case of General category and 30% in case of SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates).
    • The candidates will be shortlisted @ 1:10 ratio for 2nd stage Online Test (Technical).
    • There will be no weightage to online aptitude test in final selection.
  2. Second stage of online test: In second stage, Online Technical Test (120 multiple questions) in respective discipline will be conducted.
    • The duration of the test will be 2 hours.
    • Each question carries 1 mark and 0.25 marks will be deducted for wrong answer.
    • There is qualifying marks (40 per cent marks in case of General category and 30 prer cent in case of SC/ST/OBC/PwBD candidates).
    • Offer of appointment will be issued based on merit. No skill test will be conducted.


Test Centres:

Candidates have to choose test centres at the time of filling online applications.


Reservation and relaxation:

The reservation to SC/ ST/ OBC candidates will be provided as per the government guidelines. Relaxations will be extended in vacancies identified for SC / ST / OBC (noncreamy layer) / PwBD candidates.


Service agreement bond

The selected candidates have to deposit a service agreement bond of Rs 1,00,000 including GST (General and OBC), and Rs 50,000 including GST for SC/ST/Person with disabilities to serve the company for a minimum period of training after the completion of training.


NTPC recruitment 2018: Steps to apply online:

  1. Step 1: Visit the official website, ntpccareers.net.
  2. Step 2: In the website, select the region and the discipline you are applying
  3. Step 3: The registration form will open
  4. Step 4: Enter the required field, as mentioned in the form
  5. Step 5: At the end of the registration form, you have to upload photogarph, signature, pay-in-slip
  6. Step 6: Click on submit to complete registration process
  7. Step 7: Download it, and take a print out for further reference.


It is to note that email id has to be kept valid for the next one year. You may Require this Email ID for downloading Registration Slip and Admit Card.


Application fee:

The candidates belong to General/ OBC category have to submit an application fee of Rs 300. However, the candidates belong to SC/ST/PwBD/XSM do not need to pay any application fees.


Important dates:

Commencement of online application process: April 18, 2018

End of online application process: May 5, 2018


About NTPC

One of India’s largest energy conglomerate, NTPC has an installed capacity of 53,651 MW and is presently fulfill the demands of 1/4th of the country’s electricity needs. The company has a plan to attain a target of 130 GW by 2032.

For more updates, visit the official website of NTPC, ntpccareers.net, and go through the application process.