Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025






A. R&D Projects Carried Forward From Previous Years :
Sl. No. Project Number Title of the Project Coordinator(s) Total cost of the project (Rs. in lakhs) Sponsoring agency
1. ICFRE/2018-2019/605/ESE #
Development of Approach and Methodology for Environmental Performance Rating Index (EPRI) for Coal Mines of Coal India Ltd. with reference to air quality. Dr. M.K. Jain
Assoc. Prof.
11.80 ICFRE Dehradun
2. SECL/2018-2019/592/ESE #
Scientific Study into Various Aspects regarding dumping of fly ash in the external and internal dumps of Dipka Expansion Project of M/S SECL Dr. Biswajit Paul
Assoc. Prof.
28.91 SECL
3. RUNGTA(1)2018-2019/629/ESE #
Scientific Study on Impact of Ironore Mining in Hydrological Behavior of Aquifers in Nadidih Iron & Manganese Mines Dr. Biswajit Paul
Assoc. Prof.
11.80 Rungta & Sons
4. IMP/2019/000286 #
Solar Driven Community Potable Water Purification System. Dr. Saravanan Pichiah
Assoc. Prof.
Dr. R.Thangavel
Dr. P. Gopinath, IITR
Dr. S. Basu, NIFFT Ranchi
72.094 DST(SERB)
5. TataSteel/2020-2021/719/ESE #
Land use Land cover study for Jharia group of collieries and washeries, Tata Steel Dr. M.K. Jain
Assoc. Prof.
Dr. Govind Villuri,
Dr. Vipin Kumar
23.60 Tata Steel
6. DST(SEED)(270)/2020-2021/755/ESE
Arid Region Reclamation Technology with respect to Lignite Mining Areas in Kutch, Gujarat. Dr. Biswajit Paul
Assoc. Prof.
Chiranjib Banerjee
53.61 DST
7. DST(276)/2020-2021/763/ESE
Development of a low cost technology based on biochar supported green zerovalent iron for arsenic and fluoride removal from water. Dr. Sheeja Jagadevan
Asst. Prof.
Dr. S.R. Samadder
32.49 DST
8. Tata Steel/2020-2021/738/ESE #
Study of Dust Suppression Chemical. Dr. Alok Sinha
Assoc. Prof.
Dr. S.K. Gupta
14.75 Tata Steel
9. MoM/2020-2021/773/ESE
Recovery of copper from water bodies nearby copper mines using microbial electrochemical systems. Dr. Vipin Kumar
Assoc. Prof.
Dr. M.K. Jain
25.00 Ministry of Mines
10. DST(238)/2019-2020/664/ESE
Potential & Validation of Sustainable Natural and Advance Technologies for Water Reuse in India (PAVITR) Prof. S.K. Gupta,
& Prof. Alok Sinha
(Amoutn in Euro)
11. OMC/2021-2022/806/ESE #
Preparation of Nalla diversion with Surface Run-off management study pertaining to Guali Iron Ore Mines of M/s OMC Ltd. in Keonjhar district of Odisha PI: Prof. S. R. Samadder
Co-PI: Prof. S. K. Gupta
27.00 OMC
13. CONS/6056/2021-22 Effect on Ecosystem Services available in proposed Mining Area and assessment of carrying capacity of the extant ecology by SECL PI: Prof. Vipin Kumar
Co-PI: Prof. Anshumali,
Prof. M.K. Jain
25.96 SECL
12. DST/SEED/SUTRA/2020/74(G)
Cow dung derived hybrid adsorbent for heavy metal removal and its subsequent utilization as cheaper electrodes for energy storage devices PI: Prof. B.K. Mishra 36.16 DST
under the scheme of SUTRA
13. DDWS(NJJM)/2021-2022/807/ESE #
Low cost treatment method for fluoride and Arsenic contaminated ground water. PI: Prof. B. K. Mishra 1.77 DDWS
14. CIL(17)/2021-2022/801/ESE #
Impact of Coal Mining dust on soil quality. PI: Prof. S. K. Maiti 7.67 CIL
15. FRS(158)/2021-2022/ESE #
Simulation of Aerobic and Anaerobic Biodegradation of BTEX Hydrocarbons in Groundwater Using the Meshless Element-Free Galerkin Method. PI: Prof. Tinesh Pathania 13.54 FRS
16. FRS(159)/2021-2022/ESE
Thermal Behaviour and Kinetic Analysis for Catalytic/Noncatalytic Copyrolysis of Plastic Wastes Integrated with Agricultural Residues. PI: Prof. Madhumita Patel 22 FRS
17. IIT(ISM)2021-2022/826/INSTITUTE
Delineation of the Administrative Boundary of the Banki River, Garhwa District, Jharkhand: An Implication in Restoration and Conservation of the Ganga River Basin. Coordinator: Prof. Anshumali
PI: Prof. Tinesh Pathania,
Prof.Sanjit Kr. Pal,
Prof. Kironmala Chanda,
Prof. Renu V,
Prof. Bandita Barman
21 CWRM, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad

# Completed




B. R&D Projects Received During the Financial Year 2022-23 :
Sl. No. Project Number Title of the Project Coordinator(s) Total cost of the project (Rs. in lakhs) Sponsoring agency
1. DST(TDT)(SHRE)/327/2021-22/888/AGP
Integrated non-invansive geophysical, archeological and biogeochemical characterization of Itkhouri heritage sites in the Mohane River Valley PI: Prof. Sanjit Kr. Pal/AGP
Co-PI: Prof. Anshumali/ESE
125.92682 DST
2. CIL(20)/2021-22/845/ESE
Development of Guidelines for delineation of water stressed area and designing of environmental friendly water storage structure for meeting the water needs in mining area PI: Prof. P.K. Singh
Co-PI: Prof. Sanjit Kr. Pal/AGP
107.84 CIL
3. CIL(19)/2021-22/844/ESE
Separation and Recovery of Fine Particles from Coal Washery Effluents Using Bio-Coagulant PI: Prof. S.R. Samadder 54.86 CIL
4. DST(SERB)(342)/2022-2023/934/ESE
Catalytic / Non-catalytic CO HTL Integrated Plastic Wastes with Foodwaste / Agricultural Waste to Produce Renewable Transportation Fuel. PI: Prof. Madhumita Patel 27.61 DST (SERB)
5. DST(SERB)(338)/2022-2023/927/ESE
Coastal Risk Analysis (CORAL): An India's Perspective. PI: Prof. Vittal Hari 20.5 SERB-SRG
6. FRS(172)/2022-2023/ESE
Understanding PM2.5 characteristics and sources in Dhanbad city. PI: Prof. Saifi Izhar 15.0 FRS, IIT(ISM)
7. FRS(176)/2022-2023/ESE
Recent Arctic Amplification and Increasing Heatwaves over India. PI: Prof. Vittal Hari 14.0 FRS, IIT(ISM)
8. JPL/2021-22/876/ESE
Environmental Assessment of Coal Combustion Residues from Super Thermal Power Plant, Tamnar, Raigarh (CG) PI: Prof. Gurdeep Singh 11.80 JPL
9. IIT(ISM)/2022-2023/905/INSTITUTE
Rejuvenation of existing waterbodies and identification of suitable locations for storing surface water for sustainable water supply in Dhanbad Municipal Corporation Area. PI: Prof. S.R. Samadder/ESE,
Coordinator: Prof. Sanjit Kr. Pal/AGP,
Prof. V.G.K. Villuri/ME
Advisor: Prof. Rajiv Shekhar,
Prof. Anshumali
Member: Mr. Sanjeeb Mukherjee/CMU
8.2 CWRM, IIT(ISM) Dhanbad
10. IIT(ISM)2022-2023/952/INSTITUTE
Developing low-cost portable electrochemical biosensors for metal detection PI: Prof. Vipin Kumar 4.55 FRS, IIT(ISM)
11. CSTEP/2022-23/906/ESE
Developing Emission inventory for non-attainment city of Dhanbad PI: Prof. Suresh Pandian E. 3.09 CSTEP

# Completed




Abbreviations of the Sponsoring Organizations:

A&A     : Agrawal & Associates, Allahabad
ACL     : Auroma Coke Ltd., Dhanbad
ADSPL   : Ana-Digi Sales (P) Ltd., Bangalore
ATPS    : Anpara Thermal Power Station Sonebhadra
BAL     : Balasore Alloys Ltd., Orissa
BBCL    : B. B. Coke Ltd., Dhanbad
BCCL    : Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Dhanbad
BEL     : Bengal Energy Ltd., Kolkata
BHCE    : Basantimata Hard Coke Enterprizes, Dhanbad
BKE     : B. K. Enterprises, Dhanbad
BTPS    : Bokaro Thermal Power Station, Bokaro
CBI     : Central Bureao of Investigation, Dhanbad
CCL     : Central Coalfield Limited, Ranchi
CDE     : CDE Asia
CGWB    : Central Ground Water Board, Patna
CIMFR   : Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Dhanbad
CMPDI   : Central Mining Planning Design Institute, Ranchi
CMSPL   : Calcutta Mining Sealants Pvt. Ltd., Burdwan
CPO     : Coke Plant Oven, Dhanbad
CSTEP   : Center for Study of Science, Technology and Policy
DDC     : Deputy Development Commissioner, Dhanbad
DDIL    : Dharti Dredging & Infrastructure Ltd., Vishakhapatnam
DMG     : Dept. of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Jharkhand
DVC     : Damodar Valley Corporation
ECL     : Eastern Coalfield Limited, Sanctoria
EGSS    : Environmental Geo-Spacial Solutions, Chennai
EIMCOEL : EIMCO Elecon Ltd., Vidyanagar
ESCL    : Electrosteel Castings Ltd., Kolkata
ESL     : Electrosteel Ltd., Kolkata
FACOR   : Facor, Bhadrak.
FCI     : Food Corporation of India, Aravalli
FNGPL   : Fagro Nexterra Geophysics Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
GMDC    : Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation, Ahmedabad
HCL     : Hindustan Copper Limited, Kolkata
JHC     : Jai hanuman Cement, Jamtara Rd. Nirsha, Dhanbad
ISPL    : Intech Safety Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
ITI     : ITI College, Korba
JMSIPL  : Joy Mining Services India Pvt. Ltd.
JNIL    : Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd., Raigarh
JPL     : Jindal Power Ltd., Raigarh
JSMDCL  : Jharkhand State Mineral Dev. Corporation Ltd.
KAMP    : Kabul & Afghanistan Mining Project
KI      : Kaphila Industries, Dhanbad
L&T     : Larson & Turbo Ltd.
MCL     : Mahanadi Coalfield Ltd., Sambalpur, Orissa
MCLMI   : MCL & Mekon International, Talcher, Orissa
ME      : Many Enterprises, Dhanbad
MIEL    : Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd., Raigarh
MIL     : Muva Industries Ltd., Ranchi
MM      : Ministry of Mines, Govt of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
MMD     : Mercantile Marine Department, Kolkata
MRS     : Mine Rescue Station, Ramgarh
MSEL    : McNally Sayaji Engg. Ltd., Dhanbad
MSRT    : Ministry of Shiping Road Transport, Andaman
NECL    : Navayuga Engg. Company Ltd., Barh
NMDC    : National Mineral Development Corporation
NHPC    : National Hydro Power Corporation
NTPC    : National Thermal Power Corporation
NCL     : Northern Coalfield Limited
OMCL    : Orissa Mining Corpn, Ltd., Keonjhar
OSPB    : Orissa State Pollution Board, Orissa
PHPTPS  : Panki, Harduanj & Parichha TPS
PTIL    : Panduranga Timbla Industries Ltd., Margao
PTPS    : Parichha Thermal Power Station
PVRIBPL : PVR Inshield Bituminous Pvt. Ltd.
QCD     : Quality Control Dept., Dhanbad
RCL     : Rodic Contents Ltd., Ranchi
RCMC    : Ranisati Coke Mfg. Company, Dhanbad
RRE     : R R Enterprises, Nagpur
RSTPS   : Rihand Super Thermal Power Station, Sonebhadra
SAFL    : Sri Aurobindo Fuels Ltd., Dhanbad
SAIL    : Steel Authority of India Limited
SALSL   : SAL Steel Ltd., Gandhidham
SCCL    : Singareni Collieries Company Ltd.
SCL     : Superna Chemicals Ltd. Mumbai
SCPL    : Shivam Coke Pvt. Ltd.
SECL    : South Eastern Coalfield Ltd.
SEL-GKC : SEL-GKC (JV), Dhanbad
SGS     : Société Générale de Surveillance, Dhanbad
SGL     : SGL, Dhanbad
SNSC    : S N Sunderson & Co., Dhanbad
SRGSCL  : SRG Service & Consultancy (P) Ltd. Kolkata
SSCMIPL : S. S. Coke Mfg. Industries P Ltd., Kolkata, and others
TIPL    : Tega Industries Pvt. Ltd.
TRL     : Tata Refractories Ltd., Belpahar
TSL     : Tata Steel Ltd.
UC      : Unyrshape Corporation, Ranchi
UCIL    : Uranium Corporation of India Limited
UMPL    : Utkarsh Mining Private Ltd., Dhanbad
UPRVUNL : UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., Kanpur
VL      : Voltas Ltd.
VPT     : Visakhapatnam Port Trust
VSLMC   : VSL Mining Co., Sandur
VSSPL   : Vijay Savre Safety Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
WB      : World Bank
WCL     : Western Coalfield Limited