Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025






A. R&D Projects Carried forward from Previous years :
Sl. No. Project Number Title of the Project Coordinator(s) Total cost of the project (Rs. in lakhs) Sponsoring agency
1. MWR(3)/2012- 2013/308/ESE Estimation of Aquifer Potential in Jharia Coal Mining Region with Suitable Techniques to improve the recharge Dr. P. K. Singh Assoc. Prof. 28.54 MWR
2. UGC(79)/2012- 2013/318/ESE Assessment of ground water level fluctuations with respect to changing patterns of rainfall in jharia coal mining region Dr. P. K. Singh Assoc. Prof. 9.25 UGC
3. DST(95)/2013-2014/ 381/ESE Influence of chlorine disinfectant and natural organic matter gradients on disinfection by-product formation in drinking water of some Indian cities Dr. Brijesh Mishra
Asstt. Prof.
23.20 DST
4. DST/Inspire Faculty Award/2014/LSPA-25/ESE Molecular Characterization & Identification of Hydrogen producing Algal species & their Biotechnological Potential. Dr. Chiranjib Banerjee
Inspire Faculty
35.00 DST (SERB)
5. MoEs(6)/2014 - 2015/396 /ESE Phosphorus fractionation in surface sediments: An Implication in Restoration and Conservation of Govind Balabah Pant Sagar, Singrauli, MP Dr. Anshumali
Asstt Prof.
32.46 MoES
6. DST(121)/2015- 2016/429/ESE Geochemical investigation of Heavy metals and REEs in Water and Surface Sediments: An Implication in Restoration and Conservation of Ken and Betwa Rivers Dr. Anshumali
Asstt Prof.
24.50 DST
7. MoEF(1)2015-16/443/ESE Remediation of Ground Water Contaminated with Hexavalent Chromium in Sukhina Valley, Odihsa, using Nano Zero Valent Iron (nZVI) Technology Dr. Alok Sinha
Asstt. Prof.
Dr. S.K. Gupta
Dr. B.K. Mishra
24.80 MoEF&CC
8. MDWS/2015-16/453/ESE Control of Disinfection Byproducts Formation in Drinking Water Supplies of India Dr. S. K. Gupta
25.20 MDWS
9. DST(SERB)(137)/2016- 17/462/ESE Arsenic Removal from Groundwater using Nanoadsorbents Dr. S. R. Samadder
Asstt. Professor
5.50 DST
10. DST(FIST) /(140)/2016- 2017/ 471/ESE To Augment the Postgraduate Teaching and Research Facilities in the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad HoD/ESE
Dr. S. Jagadevan
Asstt. Professor
Dr. Chiranjib Banerjee
Inspire Faculty
144.00 DST(FIST)
11. ICMR/2016-2017/476/ESE ALGAL Biomass Harvesting Through Biopolymeric Approach CI- Dr. Chiranjib Banerjee
Inspire Faculty
Co.CI-Dr. Sheeja Jagadevan
Asstt. Professor
10.76 ICMR
12. FRS(109)/2016-17/ESE Facile synthesis of Light Driven Nanostructures Hybrid Pervoskite for Sustainable Treatment of Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs). Dr Saravanan Pichiah
Associate Professor
10.00 FRS, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad
13. ENVIS/2016-17/ ESE Environmental Information System (ENVIS) on Envtl. Problems of Mining Dr M K Jain
Associate Professor
14.36 MoEF&CC





B. R&D Projects Received during the Financial year 2017-18 :
Sl. No. Project Number Title of the Project Coordinator(s) Total cost of the project (Rs. in lakhs) Sponsoring agency
1. DST(SERB)(173)/2017-18/526/ESE Design and Development of Full Solar Spectrum Enriched Photocatalyst for Sustainable Water Treatment. Dr.Saravanan Pichiah
Associate Professor
15.40 DST(SERB)
2. Tata Steel/2017- 2018/535/ESE Study to Develop & Improve Nitrification AIS (Advance Integral System) at BOT Plant Prof. S.K. Gupta
Dr. Alok Sinha
Associate Professor
Dr. B.K. Mishra
Assistant Professor
3. CIL (8)/2017-2018/539/CHEMICAL ENGG High Ash Coal Gasification and Associated Upstream and Downstream Processes (Coal to Chemicals, CTC) PI: Prof. I. M. Mishra
Co PI: Dr. Alok Sinha
Associate Professor
Dr. B.K. Mishra
Assistant Professor
18.72 MoC
4. ENVIS/2017-18/ ESE Environmental Information System (ENVIS) on Envtl. Problems of Mining Prof. A.K. Singh
Head of the Department
17.09 MoEF&CC




Abbreviations of the Sponsoring Organizations:

DST     : Department of Science & Technology
UGC     : University Grants Commission
CSIR    : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
MoES    : Ministry of Earth Sciences
MoEF&CC : Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
MOC     : Ministry of Coal
CIL     : Coal India Limited
MWR     : Ministry of Water Resource
MDWS    : Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation
DAE     : Department of Atomic Energy
PCRA    : Petroleum Conservation Reserve Association
IPEM    : International Project Erasmus Mundus
ICSSR   : Indian Council of Social Science Research
ICMR    : Indian Council of Medical Research
ISRO    : Indian Space Research Organisation
FRS     : Faculty Research Scheme
SREB    : Science and Engineering Research Board
MRD     : Ministry of Rural Development