Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
A. R&D Projects Carried forward from Previous years : |
Sl. No. |
Project Number |
Title of the Project |
Coordinator(s) |
Total cost of the project (Rs. in lakhs) |
Sponsoring agency |
1. |
MWR(3)/2012-2013/308/ESE |
Estimation of Aquifer Potential in Jharia Coal Mining Region with Suitable Techniques to improve the recharge |
Dr. P.K. Singh
Assoc. Prof |
28.54 |
2. |
UGC(79)/2012- 2013/318/ESE |
Assessment of ground water level fluctuations with respect to changing patterns of rainfall in jharia coal mining region |
Dr. P.K. Singh
Assoc. Prof |
9.25 |
3. |
DST(95)/2013-2014/ 381/ESE |
Influence of chlorine disinfectant and natural organic matter gradients on disinfection by-product formation in drinking water of some Indian cities |
Dr. Brijesh Mishra
Asstt. Prof |
20.60 |
4. |
MoEs(6)/2014-2015/396/ESE |
Phosphorus fractionation in surface sediments: An Implication in Restoration and Conservation of Govind Balabah Pant Sagar, Singrauli, MP |
Dr. Anshumali
Assoc. Prof. |
32.46 |
MoES |
5. |
DST(121)/2015-2016/429/ESE |
Geochemical investigation of Heavy metals and REEs in Water and Surface Sediments: An Implication in Restoration and Conservation of Ken and Betwa Rivers |
Dr. Anshumali
Assoc. Prof. |
24.50 |
6. |
MoEF(1)2015-16/443/ESE |
Remediation of Ground Water Contaminated with Hexavalent Chromium in Sukhina Valley, Odihsa, using Nano Zero Valent Iron (nZVI) Technology |
Dr. Alok Sinha
Assoc. Prof. |
24.80 |
7. |
MDWS/2015-16/453/ESE |
Control of Disinfection By-products Formation in Drinking Water Supplies of India |
Prof. S. K. Gupta
Professor |
25.20 |
8. |
ENVIS/2015-16/ ESE |
Environmental Information System on Environmental Problems of Mining |
Dr. M.K. Jain
Assoc. Prof. |
13.54 |
B. R&D Projects Received during the Financial year 2016-17 : |
Sl. No. |
Project Number |
Title of the Project |
Coordinator(s) |
Total cost of the project (Rs. in lakhs) |
Sponsoring agency |
1. |
DST(SERB)(137)/2016-2017/462/ESE |
Arsenic Removal from Groundwater using Nano-absorbents |
Dr.S.R. Samadder
Assistant Professor |
5.00 |
2. |
DST(FIST) /(140)/2016-2017/ 471/ESE |
To Augment the Post-graduate Teaching and Research Facilities in the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering, Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad |
Dr. Chiranjib Banerjee,
Inspire Faculty |
144.00 |
3. |
ICMR/2016-2017/476/ESE |
ALGAL Biomass Harvesting Through Biopolymeric Approach |
Dr. Sheeja Jagadevan,
Asstt. Professor
Dr. Chiranjib Banerjee,
Inspire Faculty |
3.38 |
4. |
FRS(109)/2016-17/ESE |
Facile Synthesis of Light driven Nanostructured Hybrid Perovskite Photocatalysts for Sustainable Treatment of Persistent Organic Pollutants(POPs) |
Dr Saravanan Pichiah
Associate Professor |
10.00 |
FRS, IIT(ISM), Dhanbad |
5. |
ENVIS/2016-17/ ESE |
Environmental Information System (ENVIS) on Envtl. Problems of Mining |
Dr M K Jain
Associate Professor |
14.36 |
Abbreviations of the Sponsoring Organizations:
DST : Department of Science & Technology
UGC : University Grants Commission
CSIR : Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
MoES : Ministry of Earth Sciences
MoEF&CC : Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change
MOC : Ministry of Coal
CIL : Coal India Limited
MWR : Ministry of Water Resource
MDWS : Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation
DAE : Department of Atomic Energy
PCRA : Petroleum Conservation Reserve Association
IPEM : International Project Erasmus Mundus
ICSSR : Indian Council of Social Science Research
ICMR : Indian Council of Medical Research
ISRO : Indian Space Research Organisation
FRS : Faculty Research Scheme
SREB : Science and Engineering Research Board
MRD : Ministry of Rural Development