Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India

Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025





A. Consultancy Projects carried forward from Previous Years:
Sl. No. Consultancy Project Number Title of the Consultancy Project Consultant In-Charge Sponsoring Organization
1. 0433 Modeling of 5 inch stub cyclone treating Iron Ore Fines. Prof. N. Suresh TIPL
2. 0778 Representation of EMPs for NCPH UG and Kuracia OC Mines of Chirimiri Area of SECL as per EIA Notification – 2006 Prof. Gurdeep Singh SECL
3. 0925 Rehabilitation of Jharia - Mine Survey in the area of Fire Zone area of Jharia Coalfields Prof. Gurdeep Singh JRD
4. 0962 Building Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Environment and Social Management in Mining Sector in Afghanistan Prof. Gurdeep Singh MM
5. 0975 Documentation of the Thematic Cluster of Mining As per CSD Guidelines. Prof. Gurdeep Singh MOEF
6. 1333 Preparation of pre-feasibility from I Report for Coal washery of Kaphila Industries Prof. Gurdeep Singh KI
7. 1815 Rapid EIA/EMP for Dungri-Petia Sand Leases, Tata Steel Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
8. 1816 Rapid EIA/EMP for Tetangabad Sand Leases, Tata Steel Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
9. 1955 Preparation of Environmental Management Report for DVC Mines. Dr. Biswajit Paul DVC
10. 2165 Solid Waste Management Plan & Activity for 3 years Jan, 13 to Dec. 2015. 4 Prof. S.K. Maiti NSPL
11. 2210 Repid EIA/EMP for Sand Lease of Tata Steel, Kunji. Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
12. 2211 Rapid EIA/EMP for Sand Lease of Tata Steel - Dungri & Bhowrah. Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
13. 2212 Rapid EIA/EMP for Sand Lease of Tata Steel - Mohulbani & Gourkhuti Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
14. 2213 Rapid EIA/EMP for Premsinghdih Sand Lease of Tata Steel Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
15. 2296 EIA Study on the Impact of Leaching due to storage of fly ash on the Surface and mine voids of the dumping Area of Rajarappa Site Mr. B. K. Mishra HIL
16. 2315 Preparation of Environmental Management Report for DVC Mines. Dr. Biswajit Paul DVC
17. 2356 Evaluation of Sustainable Development Project of ECL under MOU 2013-13 (First Phase) Dr. P. K. Singh ECL
18. 2371 Environmental Monitoring by Third Party Dr. S. K. Gupta NTPC
19. 2392 Disaster management Plan for Coking Coal Washery. Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
20. 2425 Sieve Analysis of Bottom Ash of CTPS Dr. Anshumali BCCL
20. 2441 Setting up suitable Municipal solid waste management Technique Dr. S.R. Samaddar NMDC
21. 2492 Environmental Evaluation for Opencast and Underground Feasibility for Parso Block, CSPGL, AEL Dr. Biswajit Paul PCL
22. 2529 Testing of Geotechnical and Environmental Parameters of LD/BF Slag for Stowing Purpose. Dr. Biswajit Paul TSL
23. 2537 Collection of Raw Coal Sample for Kulda OCP and Analysis of Heavy Metales in Raw Coal Washed Coal and Raject Prof. Gurdeep Singh MCL
24. 2568 Design of Settling Pond at Ambuja Cement Plant Prof. Gurdeep Singh ACL
25. 2674 Impact of Mining Activities on Hydrology and Hydrogeology of Core Zone Covering all 5 underground Mines of Tata Steel. Dr. S. K Gupta TSL
26. 2675 Monitoring of Environmental Parameters in Respect of (i) Stack Emission test (ii) Effluent discharge test (iii) Abbient air quality test (iv) Noise level Measurement for unit 1,2,3,7 & 8 DVC CTPS Chandrapura Dr. S. K Gupta DVC
27. 2681 Magnetic Content and Chemical Analysis. Dr. Pankaj Kr. Jain TSL
28. 2700 Testing of Water Samples Around Rajrappa Area Mr. Brijesh Kumar HIL
29. 2705 Monitoring of Environmental Parameters in respect of Ambient air Stack Monitoring Noise Level and effluent discharge of BTPS'B Dr. Alok Sinha DVC
30. 2731 Study at Rolep Biodlversity, Hydro Electric Project. Dr. Anshumali VREPL
31. 2778 Preparation of Environmental Statement in DVC Bermo Mines Dr. Biswajit Paul DVC
32. 2793 Analysis of Amient air Sample and Water Sample from Main Mine discharge of Bararee Colliery, BCCL Dr. B. K. Mishra BCCL
33. 2794 Technical Consultancy for Wastewater Management and Control of Water Pollution from plant and Mines of Kirandul Complex Dr. S. K. Gupta NMDC
34. 2797 Testing of Dust Bond (OC) Prof. S. K. Maiti CMSPL
35. 2798 Testing of Dust Ioniser (HR) Dr. S. R. Samadder PVR
36. 2838 Analysis of Water Samples from JRDA Dr. M. K. Jain JPABP
37. 2849 Analysis of Water Samples from Skylark Hotal pvt. Ltd. Dr. Vipin Kumar SHPL
38. 2888 Assessment of Talabira-1 Working as per Mine Plan and Mine Closure Plan Dr. Biswajit Paul
Prof. S. K. Maiti
39. 2899 Preparation of Technical Content for EB and SC in Respect of Shivani OCP EIA Dr. Anshumali CMPDI
40. 2910 Environmental Statement of DVC Bermo Mines. Dr. Biswajit Paul DVC
41. 2927 Geo-Enviro Study of Abandoned Mines for 2 x 525 MW Maithon Power Plant. Dr. B. K. Mishra
Dr. Alok Sinha
42. 2946 Analysis of Ambient air sample & Water sample from Main Mine discharge of Bararee Colliery. Dr. B. K. Mishra
Dr. S. K. Gupta
43. 2949 Study of Leaching of Heavy Metals Dr. S. K. Gupta
Mr. B. Mishra
44. 2958 Technical Consultancy for Waste Water Management and Control of Water Pollution from Plant and Mines of BIOM< Bacheli Complex. Dr. Anshumali NMDC
45. 2985 Preparation of Impacts of proposed Patherdih Coal Washery Dr. Anshumali CMPDI
46. 3011 Testing of Arsenic in 05 Nos. of Water Samples. Dr. S. R. Samaddar
Prof. S. K. Maiti
47. 3021 Testing of Water Sample near Rajrappa Area Dr. B. K. Mishra HIL
48. 3032 Suitability test of Water. Dr. B. K. Mishra
Dr. Alok Sinha
49. 3038 Environmantal Suitability and Feasibility of Mining of Flyash in the OB of Kusmunda OC Mines of SECL Dr. Biswajit Paul
Prof. A. K. Singh
50. 3049 Technical consultancy for Wastewater Management Dr. Alok Sinha
Dr. B. K. Mishra
51. 3053 Analysis of Water samples from BCCL Dr. M. K. Jain
Dr. Vipin Kumar
52. 3083 Evaluation of Ecology and Biology Soil Convervation component of Nilyai Expn. Dr. Anshumali CMPDIL, Nagpur
53. 3090 Testing of water samples of Joyarampur Pressure filter under lodhna area Dr. B.K. Mishra BCCL
54. 3091 Analysis of ambient air sample & Waters sample from main mine discharge of Bararee Colliery. Dr. B.K. Mishra BCCL
55. 3146 Compliance of condition No.13 of stage 1 clearance of Rohini OC for 74.83 ha, CCL Prof. S. K. Maiti CCL
56. 3151 Analysis of Mercury in 25 Soil Samples. Prof. S. K. Maiti
Dr. S. R. Samaddar
57. 3152 Carbon sequestration study of Ecorestoration sites of BCCL 2 Sites at Damoda ad Tatulmari. Prof. S. K. Maiti BCCL
58. 3155 Stack Monitoring at MPL Dhanbad Dr. Suresh Pandian E
Dr. B. K. Mishra



B. Consultancy Projects commenced during Financial Year 2016-17:
Sl. No. Consultancy Project Number Title of the Consultancy Project Consultant In-Charge Sponsoring Organization
1. 3171 Analysis of Wastewater Samples 4 Nos. Dr. S. K. Gupta
Dr. B. K. Mishra
2. 3180 Suitability test Water of Tata Steel Jamadoba Prof. S. K. Gupta TATA
3. 3192 Suitability test of treated water of PB Area BCCL Dr. B. K. Mishra BCCL
4. 3193 Suitability test of Mine and treated Water of CV Area Dr. B. K. Mishra BCCL
5. 3196 Assessment of Ground Water and Surface Water at Muri Dr. B. K. Mishra HILM
6. 3218 Ecology and Biodiversity (EB) and Soil conservation (SC) component of Kusmunda OC Expansion project (50 MTPA) Dr. Anshumali CMPDIL
7. 3252 Soil and fly-ash Characteristics Study Dr. Vipin Kumar BALCO
8. 3272 Technical Consultant for guiding SAIL in the e-auction of Coal Block (Parbatpur Central Coal Block) Prof. A. K. Singh BCCL
9. 3274 Testing of Ground Water Quality Kinandul NMDC Dr. Anshumali
Prof. A. K. Singh
10. 3300 Feasibility Study of STP at West Bokaro Division (WBD) Prof. S. K. Gupta
Dr. Alok Sinha
11. 3313 Effluent analysis of Regional Hospital Baghmara. Dr. B. K. Mishra BCCL
12. 3315 Preparatin of Environmental Statement Report for DVC Mines Dr. Biswajit Paul DVC
13. 3404 Environmental Audit of Matix Fertilizer
(Amount: Rs.2,30,000)
Dr. B.K. Mishra MATIX Fertiliser and Chemicals Ltd.
14. 3049 Technical Consultancy for waste-water management and control of water pollution from plant and mines of BIOM
(Amount: Rs.12,50,754)
Dr. Alok Sinha NMDC
15. 3329 Advance Treatment of Solid & Hazardous Waste: Current Perspectives
(Amount: Rs.45,000)
Dr. Vipin Kumar BCCL
16. 3378 Social Impact study of three Washaries namely Sudamdih, Bhojudih and Pathardih Washeries of BCCL.
(Amount: Rs.23,00,000)
Prof. A.K. Pal
Prof. A.K. Singh
Dr. B.Paul
17. 3427 -
(Amount: Rs.1,93,200)
Dr. Biswajit Paul -



C. Professional Development Programmes (PDP) Executed during Financial Year 2016-17:
Sl. No. Course Number Programme Coordinator (Department) Number of participants Weeks
1. 3220
25 - 27 May, 2016
Water Quality and Management. From 25-27 May, 2016 , at ISM, Dhanbad Dr. S. R. Samadder 25 3 day
2. 3221
2 - 4 June, 2016
Recent Trends in Waste Management Practices. From 02-04 June, 2016 Dr. Vipin Kumar
Dr. M. K. Jain
Prof. A. K. Singh
24 3 day
3. 3236
11 - 15 July, 2016
Ambient Air Quality Assessment, Prediction and control. Dr. Vipin Kumar
Dr. M. K. Jain
Dr. S. Pandian
14 5 day
4. 3263
27 – 29 July, 2016
Monitoring of Ecological Restoration Success and Carbon Sequestration Using Remote Sensing and GIS Dr. S. R. Samadder
Prof. S. K. Maiti
22 3 day
5. 3286
1 – 8 Aug, 2016
Mining and Environment Dr. Biswajit Paul 34 1 Week
6. 3266
18 - 20 Aug, 2016
Occupational Health, Safety & Environment at Kolkata Prof. A.K. Pal
Dr. Biswajit Paul
28 3 day
7. 3305
21 - 23 Sept, 2016
Three days Training programme on Water Quality and Management for Thermal Power Plants. Dr. S. R. Samadder 12 3 day
8. -
18 - 22 Oct, 2016
5-Days Short Term Course on "Advance Treatment of Solid and Hazardous Waste: Current Perspectives". Dr. Vipin Kumar 14 5 day
9. -
09 - 11 Nov, 2016
3-Day Training Programme on "Management of Water Resources near Mining and Industrial Areas". Dr. P.K. Singh 17 3 day
10. -
19 - 23 Dec, 2016
5 Days Training Program on "Water Quality and Treatment Plant Operation". Dr. B. K. Mishra. 12 5 day
11. -
16 - 23 Jan, 2017
Training Program on "Mining and Environment". Dr. Biswajit Paul 14 8 day




Abbreviations of the Sponsoring Organizations:

A&A     : Agrawal & Associates, Allahabad
ACL     : Auroma Coke Ltd., Dhanbad
ADSPL   : Ana-Digi Sales (P) Ltd., Bangalore
ATPS    : Anpara Thermal Power Station Sonebhadra
BAL     : Balasore Alloys Ltd., Orissa
BBCL    : B. B. Coke Ltd., Dhanbad
BCCL    : Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Dhanbad
BEL     : Bengal Energy Ltd., Kolkata
BHCE    : Basantimata Hard Coke Enterprizes, Dhanbad
BKE     : B. K. Enterprises, Dhanbad
BTPS    : Bokaro Thermal Power Station, Bokaro
CBI     : Central Bureao of Investigation, Dhanbad
CCL     : Central Coalfield Limited, Ranchi
CDE     : CDE Asia
CGWB    : Central Ground Water Board, Patna
CIMFR   : Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Dhanbad
CMPDI   : Central Mining Planning Design Institute, Ranchi
CMSPL   : Calcutta Mining Sealants Pvt. Ltd., Burdwan
CPO     : Coke Plant Oven, Dhanbad
DDC     : Deputy Development Commissioner, Dhanbad
DDIL    : Dharti Dredging & Infrastructure Ltd., Vishakhapatnam
DMG     : Dept. of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Jharkhand
DVC     : Damodar Valley Corporation
ECL     : Eastern Coalfield Limited, Sanctoria
EGSS    : Environmental Geo-Spacial Solutions, Chennai
EIMCOEL : EIMCO Elecon Ltd., Vidyanagar
ESCL    : Electrosteel Castings Ltd., Kolkata
ESL     : Electrosteel Ltd., Kolkata
FACOR   : Facor, Bhadrak.
FCI     : Food Corporation of India, Aravalli
FNGPL   : Fagro Nexterra Geophysics Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
GMDC    : Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation, Ahmedabad
HCL     : Hindustan Copper Limited, Kolkata
JHC     : Jai hanuman Cement, Jamtara Rd. Nirsha, Dhanbad
ISPL    : Intech Safety Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
ITI     : ITI College, Korba
JMSIPL  : Joy Mining Services India Pvt. Ltd.
JNIL    : Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd., Raigarh
JPL     : Jindal Power Ltd., Raigarh
JSMDCL  : Jharkhand State Mineral Dev. Corporation Ltd.
KAMP    : Kabul & Afghanistan Mining Project
KI      : Kaphila Industries, Dhanbad
L&T     : Larson & Turbo Ltd.
MCL     : Mahanadi Coalfield Ltd., Sambalpur, Orissa
MCLMI   : MCL & Mekon International, Talcher, Orissa
ME      : Many Enterprises, Dhanbad
MIEL    : Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd., Raigarh
MIL     : Muva Industries Ltd., Ranchi
MM      : Ministry of Mines, Govt of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
MMD     : Mercantile Marine Department, Kolkata
MRS     : Mine Rescue Station, Ramgarh
MSEL    : McNally Sayaji Engg. Ltd., Dhanbad
MSRT    : Ministry of Shiping Road Transport, Andaman
NECL    : Navayuga Engg. Company Ltd., Barh
NMDC    : National Mineral Development Corporation
NHPC    : National Hydro Power Corporation
NTPC    : National Thermal Power Corporation
NCL     : Northern Coalfield Limited
OMCL    : Orissa Mining Corpn, Ltd., Keonjhar
OSPB    : Orissa State Pollution Board, Orissa
PHPTPS  : Panki, Harduanj & Parichha TPS
PTIL    : Panduranga Timbla Industries Ltd., Margao
PTPS    : Parichha Thermal Power Station
PVRIBPL : PVR Inshield Bituminous Pvt. Ltd.
QCD     : Quality Control Dept., Dhanbad
RCL     : Rodic Contents Ltd., Ranchi
RCMC    : Ranisati Coke Mfg. Company, Dhanbad
RRE     : R R Enterprises, Nagpur
RSTPS   : Rihand Super Thermal Power Station, Sonebhadra
SAFL    : Sri Aurobindo Fuels Ltd., Dhanbad
SAIL    : Steel Authority of India Limited
SALSL   : SAL Steel Ltd., Gandhidham
SCCL    : Singareni Collieries Company Ltd.
SCL     : Superna Chemicals Ltd. Mumbai
SCPL    : Shivam Coke Pvt. Ltd.
SECL    : South Eastern Coalfield Ltd.
SEL-GKC : SEL-GKC (JV), Dhanbad
SGS     : Société Générale de Surveillance, Dhanbad
SGL     : SGL, Dhanbad
SNSC    : S N Sunderson & Co., Dhanbad
SRGSCL  : SRG Service & Consultancy (P) Ltd. Kolkata
SSCMIPL : S. S. Coke Mfg. Industries P Ltd., Kolkata, and others
TIPL    : Tega Industries Pvt. Ltd.
TRL     : Tata Refractories Ltd., Belpahar
TSL     : Tata Steel Ltd.
UC      : Unyrshape Corporation, Ranchi
UCIL    : Uranium Corporation of India Limited
UMPL    : Utkarsh Mining Private Ltd., Dhanbad
UPRVUNL : UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., Kanpur
VL      : Voltas Ltd.
VPT     : Visakhapatnam Port Trust
VSLMC   : VSL Mining Co., Sandur
VSSPL   : Vijay Savre Safety Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
WB      : World Bank
WCL     : Western Coalfield Limited