Envis Centre, Ministry of Environment & Forest, Govt. of India
Printed Date: Tuesday, April 1, 2025
A. Consultancy Projects carried forward from Previous Years: |
Sl. No. |
Consultancy Project Number |
Title of the Consultancy Project |
Consultant In-Charge |
Sponsoring Organization |
1. |
0267 |
Preparation of Regional Environmental management Plan for Angul-Talcher- Meramundali area of Orissa. |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
2. |
0339 |
Preparation of Mine Plan for TASRA, SAIL, OCP for clearance from ministry of Coal as RQP. |
Dr. B. Paul |
3. |
0415 |
Advice on Preparation of Coal-Mine Plan As RQP, To CMRI, Dhanbad |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
4. |
0433 |
Modeling of 5 inch stub cyclone treating Iron Ore Fines. |
Prof. N. Suresh |
5. |
0575 |
Hydrological & Water quality studies for Panandhro, Umarsar, Akrjota mining area of GMDC. |
Dr. P. K. Singh |
6. |
0568 |
Consultancy work for environmental clearance /EMP of Sand Mining Leases of Tata Steel. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
7. |
0778 |
Representation of EMPs for NCPH UG and Kuracia OC Mines of Chirimiri Area of SECL as per EIA Notification – 2006 |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
8. |
0799 |
Preparation of Mining Plan for rock materials at Little Andaman, island for Ministry of Shipping. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
9. |
0925 |
Rehabilitation of Jharia - Mine Survey in the area of Fire Zone area of Jharia Coalfields |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
10. |
0962 |
Building Institutional Capacity for Sustainable Environment and Social Management in Mining Sector in Afghanistan |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
MM |
11. |
0975 |
Documentation of the Thematic Cluster of Mining As per CSD Guidelines |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
12. |
1333 |
Preparation of pre-feasibility from I Report for Coal washery of Kaphila Industries |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
KI |
13. |
1462 |
Pre Feasibility Report of Kenduadih Coal Block, BCCL Ltd. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
14. |
1711 |
Sustaniable Mine Planning for Iron Ore Mining in Megalahalli & R & R Plan |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
15. |
1752 |
Solid Waste Management Plan & Activity |
Prof. S. K. Maiti |
16. |
1815 |
Rapid EIA/EMP for Dungri-Petia Sand Leases, Tata Steel |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
17. |
1816 |
Rapid EIA/EMP for Tetangabad Sand Leases, Tata Steel |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
18. |
1955 |
Preparation of Environmental Management Report for DVC Mines |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
19. |
2116 |
Study of Illegal Mines in CIL Subsidiaries (ECL, BCCL, CCL). |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
20. |
2165 |
Solid Waste Management Plan & Activity for 3 years Jan, 13 to Dec. 2015. |
Prof. S.K. Maiti |
21. |
2210 |
Repid EIA/EMP for Sand Lease of Tata Steel, Kunji. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
22. |
2211 |
Rapid EIA/EMP for Sand Lease of Tata Steel - Dungri & Bhowrah. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
23. |
2212 |
Rapid EIA/EMP for Sand Lease of Tata Steel - Mohulbani & Gourkhuti. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
24. |
2213 |
Rapid EIA/EMP for Premsinghdih Sand Lease of Tata Steel. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
25. |
2220 |
Evnironmental (Chemical & Leachability Study A Fly Ash for JPL. |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
26. |
2231 |
Monitoring of Environmental Parameters in respact of ambient air stock Monitoring Noise level and effluent discharged of BTPS |
Dr. Alok Singh |
27. |
2296 |
EIA Study on the Impact of Leaching due to storage of fly ash on the Surface and mine voids of the dumping Area of Rajarappa Site. |
Mr. B. K. Mishra |
28. |
2315 |
Preparation of Environmental Management Report for DVC Mines. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
29. |
2356 |
Evaluation of Sustainable Development Project of ECL under MOU 2013-13 (First Phase). |
Dr. P. K. Singh |
30. |
2371 |
Environmental Monitoring by Third Party. |
Dr. S. K, Gupta |
31. |
2392 |
Disaster management Plan for Coking Coal Washery. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
32. |
2425 |
Sieve Analysis of Bottom Ash of CTPS. |
Dr. Anshumali |
33. |
2432 |
Analysis of one air Sample at the Surface of the mine & One Water Sample from the Main discharge of Mine Water. |
Mr. B. K. Mishra |
34. |
2441 |
Setting up suitable Municipal solid waste management Technique. |
Dr. S.R. Samaddar |
35. |
2455 |
Conducting Annual Compreshensive Environment Audit at O.P. Jindal Super Thermal Power Plant Tammar Raigarh. |
Prof. Gurrdeep Singh |
36. |
2484 |
Water Table Study of Sarabh Automobile Plant. |
Dr. S. K. Gupta |
SA |
37. |
2492 |
Environmental Evaluation for Opencast and Underground Feasibility for Parso Block, CSPGL, AEL. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
B. Consultancy Projects commenced during Financial Year 2014-15: |
Sl. No. |
Consultancy Project Number |
Title of the Consultancy Project |
Consultant In-Charge |
Sponsoring Organization |
1. |
2504 |
Analysis of 1 air sample at the Surface of the Mine one water sample from the main discharge of Mine water. |
Mr. B. K. Mishra |
2. |
2529 |
Testing of Geotechnical and Environmental Parameters of LD/BF Slag for Stowing Purpose. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
Tata Steel |
3. |
2537 |
Collection of Raw Coal Sample for Kulda OCP and Analysis of Heavy Metales in Raw Coal Washed Coal and Raject. |
Prof. Gurdeep Singh |
4. |
2556 |
Testing of two Waste Water Samples for M/S ENC Ltd. |
Dr. S. K. Gupta |
5. |
2557 |
Testing of two Waste Water Samples for M/S ENC Ltd. |
Dr. S. K. Gupta |
6. |
2558 |
Monitoring of Ambient air (onestation) and Analysis of Mine Water (one Sample) for Bararee Colliery of BCCL |
Mr. B. K. Mishra |
7. |
2568 |
Design of Settling Pond at Ambuja Cement Plant |
Dr. S. K. Supta |
8. |
2612 |
Testing of Ground Water Sample of Korba. |
Mr. Brijesh Kumar |
9. |
2651 |
Analysis of Ambient air Sample & Water Sample from Main Mine discharge of Bararee Colliery. |
Mr. B. K. Mishra |
10. |
2674 |
Impact of Mining Activities on Hydrology and Hydrogeology of Core Zone Covering all 5 underground Mines of Tata Steel. |
Dr. S. K Gupta |
11. |
2675 |
Monitoring of Environmental Parameters in Respect of (i) Stack Emission test (ii) Effluent discharge test (iii) Abbient air quality test (iv) Noise level Measurement for unit 1,2,3,7 & 8 DVC CTPS Chandrapura |
Dr. S. K Gupta |
12. |
2681 |
Magnetic Content and Chemical Analysis. |
Dr. Pankaj Kr. Jain |
13. |
2700 |
Testing of Water Samples Around Rajrappa Area |
Mr. Brijesh Kumar |
14. |
2705 |
Monitoring of Environmental Parameters in respect of Ambient air Stack Monitoring Noise Level and effluent discharge of BTPS'B |
Dr. Alok Sinha |
15. |
2731 |
Study at Rolep Biodlversity, Hydro Electric Project. |
Dr. Anshumali |
16. |
2778 |
Preparation of Environmental Statement in DVC Bermo Mines |
Dr. Biswajit Paul |
17. |
2793 |
Analysis of Amient air Sample and Water Sample from Main Mine discharge of Bararee Colliery, BCCL |
Dr. B. K. Mishra |
18. |
2794 |
Technical Consultancy for Wastewater Management and Control of Water Pollution from plant and Mines of Kirandul Complex |
Dr. S. K. Gupta |
19. |
2797 |
Testing of Dust Bond (OC) |
Prof. S. K. Maiti |
20. |
2798 |
Testing of Dust Ioniser (HR) |
Dr. S. R. Samadder |
C. Professional Development Programmes (PDP) Executed during Financial Year 2014-15: |
Sl. No. |
Course Number and period |
Programme |
Coordinator (Department) |
Number of participants |
Weeks |
1. |
05/08/2014 to 18/08/2014 |
Study Abroad Programme on Mining, Environment and Sustainable Development for University of South Florida - ST. Petersburg, USA, From 5 - 18 August, 2014 |
Prof. VMSR Murthy
Dept. of ME
Prof. Ashim Kr. Pal
Dept. of ESE |
3 |
2 weeks |
2. |
16/08/2014 to 01/09/2014 |
Mining Environment and Sustainable Development for Officials of Ministry of Mines, Govt. of Afghanistan. From 16. 08.2014 to 01.09, 2014 |
Prof. A. K. Pal
Dept. of ESE |
15 |
2 week |
3. |
Environmental Impact Assessment of Mining Projects for Officials of Ministry of Mines. |
Dr. Biswajit Paul
Dept. of ESE |
15 |
2 week |
Abbreviations of the Sponsoring Organizations:
A&A : Agrawal & Associates, Allahabad
ACL : Auroma Coke Ltd., Dhanbad
ADSPL : Ana-Digi Sales (P) Ltd., Bangalore
ATPS : Anpara Thermal Power Station Sonebhadra
BAL : Balasore Alloys Ltd., Orissa
BBCL : B. B. Coke Ltd., Dhanbad
BCCL : Bharat Coking Coal Limited, Dhanbad
BEL : Bengal Energy Ltd., Kolkata
BHCE : Basantimata Hard Coke Enterprizes, Dhanbad
BKE : B. K. Enterprises, Dhanbad
BTPS : Bokaro Thermal Power Station, Bokaro
CBI : Central Bureao of Investigation, Dhanbad
CCL : Central Coalfield Limited, Ranchi
CDE : CDE Asia
CGWB : Central Ground Water Board, Patna
CIMFR : Central Institute of Mining & Fuel Research, Dhanbad
CMPDI : Central Mining Planning Design Institute, Ranchi
CMSPL : Calcutta Mining Sealants Pvt. Ltd., Burdwan
CPO : Coke Plant Oven, Dhanbad
DDC : Deputy Development Commissioner, Dhanbad
DDIL : Dharti Dredging & Infrastructure Ltd., Vishakhapatnam
DMG : Dept. of Mines & Geology, Govt. of Jharkhand
DVC : Damodar Valley Corporation
ECL : Eastern Coalfield Limited, Sanctoria
EGSS : Environmental Geo-Spacial Solutions, Chennai
EIMCOEL : EIMCO Elecon Ltd., Vidyanagar
ESCL : Electrosteel Castings Ltd., Kolkata
ESL : Electrosteel Ltd., Kolkata
FACOR : Facor, Bhadrak.
FCI : Food Corporation of India, Aravalli
FNGPL : Fagro Nexterra Geophysics Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata
GMDC : Gujarat Mineral Development Corporation, Ahmedabad
HCL : Hindustan Copper Limited, Kolkata
JHC : Jai hanuman Cement, Jamtara Rd. Nirsha, Dhanbad
ISPL : Intech Safety Pvt. Ltd, Kolkata
ITI : ITI College, Korba
JMSIPL : Joy Mining Services India Pvt. Ltd.
JNIL : Jayaswal Neco Industries Ltd., Raigarh
JPL : Jindal Power Ltd., Raigarh
JSMDCL : Jharkhand State Mineral Dev. Corporation Ltd.
KAMP : Kabul & Afghanistan Mining Project
KI : Kaphila Industries, Dhanbad
L&T : Larson & Turbo Ltd.
MCL : Mahanadi Coalfield Ltd., Sambalpur, Orissa
MCLMI : MCL & Mekon International, Talcher, Orissa
ME : Many Enterprises, Dhanbad
MIEL : Monnet Ispat & Energy Ltd., Raigarh
MIL : Muva Industries Ltd., Ranchi
MM : Ministry of Mines, Govt of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
MMD : Mercantile Marine Department, Kolkata
MRS : Mine Rescue Station, Ramgarh
MSEL : McNally Sayaji Engg. Ltd., Dhanbad
MSRT : Ministry of Shiping Road Transport, Andaman
NECL : Navayuga Engg. Company Ltd., Barh
NHPC : National Hydro Power Corporation
NTPC : National Thermal Power Corporation
NCL : Northern Coalfield Limited
OMCL : Orissa Mining Corpn, Ltd., Keonjhar
OSPB : Orissa State Pollution Board, Orissa
PHPTPS : Panki, Harduanj & Parichha TPS
PTIL : Panduranga Timbla Industries Ltd., Margao
PTPS : Parichha Thermal Power Station
PVRIBPL : PVR Inshield Bituminous Pvt. Ltd.
QCD : Quality Control Dept., Dhanbad
RCL : Rodic Contents Ltd., Ranchi
RCMC : Ranisati Coke Mfg. Company, Dhanbad
RRE : R R Enterprises, Nagpur
RSTPS : Rihand Super Thermal Power Station, Sonebhadra
SAFL : Sri Aurobindo Fuels Ltd., Dhanbad
SAIL : Steel Authority of India Limited
SALSL : SAL Steel Ltd., Gandhidham
SCCL : Singareni Collieries Company Ltd.
SCL : Superna Chemicals Ltd. Mumbai
SCPL : Shivam Coke Pvt. Ltd.
SECL : South Eastern Coalfield Ltd.
SEL-GKC : SEL-GKC (JV), Dhanbad
SGS : Société Générale de Surveillance, Dhanbad
SGL : SGL, Dhanbad
SNSC : S N Sunderson & Co., Dhanbad
SRGSCL : SRG Service & Consultancy (P) Ltd. Kolkata
SSCMIPL : S. S. Coke Mfg. Industries P Ltd., Kolkata, and others
TIPL : Tega Industries Pvt. Ltd.
TRL : Tata Refractories Ltd., Belpahar
TSL : Tata Steel Ltd.
UC : Unyrshape Corporation, Ranchi
UCIL : Uranium Corporation of India Limited
UMPL : Utkarsh Mining Private Ltd., Dhanbad
UPRVUNL : UP Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Ltd., Kanpur
VL : Voltas Ltd.
VPT : Visakhapatnam Port Trust
VSLMC : VSL Mining Co., Sandur
VSSPL : Vijay Savre Safety Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai
WB : World Bank
WCL : Western Coalfield Limited