Description : In-stope backfill will cure under effective stress, which develops due to a combination of mechanical consolidation (free draining material) and ‘‘chemical consolidation’’ (self-desiccation mechanism). A good knowledge of all the drainage and consolidation characteristics of cemented paste backfill is crucial for a better design of underground backfilling sequencing. From many of the existing results and studies done by various authors, as well as the availability of some in-stope backfill pressure data measurements during and after filling, it is possible of developing a procedure of backfilling sequencing. Hence, the objective of this study is to provide a guide for underground backfilling sequencing in the view of preventing the development of excess pore pressure that will affect both the stability of the barricades and the strength development of the backfill. This will be possible by considering the interaction between consolidation/drainage rate, filling rate and binder hydration rate.
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