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  • Bibliography
| Last Updated: :04/02/2025


Title : Development of the Path Model in Road Traffic Noise Annoyance of Dhanbad Township
Subject : Noise & Vibration
Volume No. : 38
Issue No. : 3
Author : A. K. Gorai, S. Maity, A. K. Pal
Printed Year : 2007
No of Pages  : 11
Description : 

Path model not only estimates the direct effect of the traffic noise on the nearby residents but also estimate the indirect effect via other variable. This paper highlights the development of path model to determine the traffic noise annoyance around seven strategic locations in Dhanbad town. The study considers only eight variables but it can be applicable to any number of variables. At the beginning of the analysis a priori path model was constructed and on the basis of the partial regression coefficient value for the different paths, the revised path model was developed. The standardized partial regression coefficients called path coefficients, which show the strength of the linkage among variables, were determined to know the variable strongly related to traffic noise annoyance. Each path in the model was tested for statistical significance at 5% significance level.


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